The Bear and the Bee
This is a story about a bear who loses his temper.

- Temper: To lose your temper means to get angry. [โกรธ]
- Cupboard: A piece of furniture with shelves to store things. [ตู้]
- Beehive: A nest where bees live and make honey. [รังผึ้ง]
- Paw: An animal's foot. [อุ้งเท้า]
- Sting: When a bee hurts you with its sharp tail. [ต่อย]
- Smash: To break something into pieces. [ทุบ]
- Chase: To run after someone or something. [ไล่ตาม]
- Honey: A sweet food made by bees. [น้ำผึ้ง]
- Stick: A thin piece of wood. [ไม้]
- Medicine: Something you take to make you feel better. [ยา]
The bear is looking for honey in his cupboard but can’t find any. He goes into the forest to find some honey and smells a beehive. He puts his paw into the beehive to steal the honey, but a bee stings him on the nose. The bear gets angry and tries to hit the bee with a stick. He accidentally smashes the beehive and makes many bees very angry. The bees chase the bear through the forest and sting him all over his body.
The bear runs home crying. His wife sees all the stings and says, "you did it again". She gives him medicine for his stings and tells him there was honey in the cupboard all along!
The story teaches us that losing your temper can get you into trouble.
- Why did the bear go into the forest?
- What did the bear use to try and get the honey out of the beehive?
- What happened to the bear after he smashed the beehive?
- Why did Mrs. Bear say, “you did it again”?
Discussion Questions (Choose 1):
- How could the bear have gotten the honey without getting stung?
- What does the story teach us about losing our temper?
- Have you ever lost your temper? What happened?
- How can we deal with frustration in a better way?