Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage (A2)

A fictional

Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage (A2)
Ada babbage a2


  • Party - A social event where people gather to have fun. (งานเลี้ยง)
  • London - The capital city of England. (ลอนดอน)
  • Nervous - Feeling worried or scared about something. (ประหม่า)
  • Curious - Wanting to know more about something. (อยากรู้อยากเห็น)
  • Machine - A device with moving parts that does a particular job. (เครื่องจักร)
  • Difference Engine - A type of early calculating machine. (เครื่องคำนวณแบบดั้งเดิม)
  • Smart - Intelligent and knowledgeable. (ฉลาด)
  • Mathematics - The study of numbers, shapes, and patterns. (คณิตศาสตร์)
  • Passionate - Having strong feelings about something. (มีความหลงใหล)
  • Study - A room in a house used for work or reading. (ห้องทำงาน)
  • Blueprints - Detailed plans or drawings of a machine or building. (พิมพ์เขียว)
  • Parts - Pieces that make up a machine. (ชิ้นส่วน)
  • Analytical Engine - An early mechanical general-purpose computer. (เครื่องคอมพิวเตอร์อเนกประสงค์แบบดั้งเดิม)
  • Programmed - Given a set of instructions to do a specific task. (ตั้งโปรแกรม)
  • General-purpose - Able to be used for many different things. (อเนกประสงค์)
  • Logical - Based on clear, sound reasoning. (มีเหตุผล)
  • Ideas - Thoughts or plans about what to do. (ความคิด)
  • Imagined - Thought about something that is not real or not yet real. (จินตนาการ)
  • Instructions - Directions on how to do something. (คำแนะนำ)
  • Create - To make something new. (สร้าง)
  • Science - The study of the natural world using experiments and observation. (วิทยาศาสตร์)
  • Program - A set of instructions given to a computer. (โปรแกรม)
  • Understand - To know what something means. (เข้าใจ)
  • Legacy - Something handed down from the past, such as knowledge or tradition. (มรดก)
  • Respect - Admiration for someone because of their abilities or qualities. (ความเคารพ)
  • Discovery - Finding out something new. (การค้นพบ)
  • Generations - All the people born and living at about the same time. (รุ่น)
  • Possibilities - Things that may happen or be true. (ความเป็นไปได้)

Chapter 1: Meeting Mr. Babbage

I remember the first time I met Mr. Charles Babbage. It was at a big party in London. The year was 1833. I was young and a little nervous at the party. My mother wanted me to go, so I did.

I stood near the edge of the room, watching people dance and talk. Then, I heard some men talking about a machine called the "Difference Engine." I was curious and moved closer to listen.

That’s when I saw him. Mr. Charles Babbage was talking about his machine. He looked very smart and passionate.

“Miss Byron, is that you?” he asked me. “I heard you like mathematics.”

I was surprised he knew me. “Yes, Mr. Babbage. Your Difference Engine sounds interesting. Can you tell me more?”

Chapter 2: Working Together

After that night, Mr. Babbage and I became friends. We both loved mathematics and machines. He explained his work to me, and I loved learning from him.

One day, we were in his study. The room was full of blueprints and machine parts. Mr. Babbage said, “Ada, I think the Analytical Engine can do more than just math. It can be programmed to do many things.”

This was a new idea. I was excited. “Do you mean it can be a general-purpose machine? Not just for arithmetic but also for logical tasks?”

Mr. Babbage nodded. “Yes. And I believe you can help me with this.”

Chapter 3: Writing the Future

We worked together for many years. I wrote notes and ideas about the Analytical Engine. I imagined many uses for it. One of my best works was translating an article about the Engine and adding my own notes.

I worked late at night, writing by candlelight. I wrote about how the Engine could make music, create pictures, and help with science. I called these instructions “programs.”

“Charles,” I said one evening, “I think these machines will change the world. They will help us work and create in new ways.”

He smiled. “And it will be because of you, Ada. You see things others don’t.”

Chapter 4: Our Legacy

People didn’t always understand our ideas. They sometimes laughed at us. But we kept working because we believed in our dream.

As I look back, I feel proud. Mr. Babbage was more than a teacher. He was a friend who believed in me.

We started the field of computing. Even though we didn’t finish the Analytical Engine, I know our work is important. One day, people will understand our vision.

Epilogue: Looking Back

Now, as I write these last words, I think of our curiosity and hard work. My friendship with Mr. Babbage was special. It was built on respect and a shared dream.

In quiet moments, I remember our days of discovery. I smile, knowing we dreamed big. Our story will inspire future generations to imagine new possibilities.

Comprehension Questions

  1. Where did Ada Lovelace meet Charles Babbage for the first time?
  2. What was Ada curious about at the party?
  3. What idea did Charles share with Ada in his study?
  4. What did Ada call the set of instructions for the Analytical Engine?
  5. Why did some people laugh at Ada and Charles' ideas?

Discussion Questions (Choose 1 to answer)

  1. Why is it important to have people like Ada and Charles who imagine new possibilities?
  2. What challenges did Ada and Charles face while working on their machines?
  3. How do you think Ada’s work has influenced modern technology?

Here is a version of the story for more advanced readers.

Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage (B2)
Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage (A2)Listen to this article Read with Language Reactor Vocabulary * Party - A social event where people gather to have fun. (งานเลี้ยง) * London - The capital city of England. (ลอนดอน) * Nervous - Feeling worried or scared about something. (ประหม่า) * Curious - Wanting to

Harder Version