What is AI?

A short lesson preparing students to watch a video about AI.

What is AI?
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi / Unsplash

Step 1: Read this simplified summary of the video.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is when computers can do things that usually only people can do. This includes things like understanding pictures, making choices, and talking. To do this, the computers need to know a lot and have experience. They can learn this by being told what to do step by step or by learning from large amounts of example information. AI is used in many things we do every day like suggesting movies or music we might like. It can understand what we say and change it into writing or another language. AI can even help doctors find out if someone is sick. AI is becoming more and more important and can help us with things we do at home and at work.

Step 2: Study this vocabulary from the video.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Computers doing human-like tasks.
Recognizing: Identifying something you’ve seen before.
Decisions: Choices or judgments.
Dialogue: Conversation between two or more people.
Knowledge: Information and understanding.
Experience: Things you’ve done or learned.
Programming: Writing instructions for a computer.
Machine Learning: Computers learning from data.
Recommendations: Suggestions or advice.
Converting: Changing something into something else.
Translating: Changing words into another language.
Robotics: Building and using robots.
Diagnosing: Finding out what’s wrong.
Individualize: Make something for one person.
Competent: Able to do something well.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Computers doing human-like tasks. Recognizing: Identifying something you’ve seen before. Decisions: Choices or judgments. Dialogue: Conversation between two or more people. Knowledge: Information and understanding. Experience: Things you’ve done or learned. Programming: Writing instructions for a computer. Machine Learning: Computers learning from data. Recommendations: Suggestions or advice. Converting: Changing something into something else. Translating: Changing words into another language. Robotics: Building and using robots. Diagnosing: Finding out what’s wrong. Individualize: Make something for one person. Competent: Able to do something well.

Step 3: Complete this cloze exercise.

Cloze Exercise Artificial Intelligence (AI) is when *computers* can do things that usually only *people* can do. This includes things like understanding pictures, making choices, and talking. To do this, the computers need to know a lot and have experience. They can learn this by being *told* what to do step by step or by learning from large amounts of *example* information. AI is used in many things we do every day like suggesting movies or music we might like. It can understand what we say and change it into writing or another *language*. AI can even help doctors find out if someone is sick. AI is becoming more and more important and can *help* us with things we do at home and at work.

Step 4: Watch the video.