Conversation Practice: At the Airport

Conversation Practice: At the Airport

Useful Phrases

Checking In

  • "Where is the check-in counter for [Airline]?"
    "เคาน์เตอร์เช็คอินของ [สายการบิน] อยู่ที่ไหน?"
  • "Can I see your passport, please?"
    "ขอดูหนังสือเดินทางของคุณได้ไหมคะ/ครับ?" (asked by the staff)
  • "Here is my passport."
  • "I have a reservation under the name [Your Name]."
    "ฉันได้จองไว้ในชื่อ [ชื่อของคุณ]"
  • "Can I have a window seat, please?"
  • "How many bags are you checking in?"
  • "Do I need to pay for extra baggage?"
  • "Is my flight on time?"

Security Check

  • "Please remove your shoes and belt."
    "กรุณาถอดรองเท้าและเข็มขัดด้วยค่ะ/ครับ" (asked by the staff)
  • "Do I need to take out my laptop?"
  • "Do I need to remove liquids from my bag?"
  • "Is this the line for the security check?"


  • "What is the purpose of your visit?"
    "วัตถุประสงค์ในการเดินทางของคุณคืออะไร?" (asked by the officer)
  • "I’m here for tourism/business."
  • "How long will you stay?"
  • "Where will you be staying?"

At the Gate

  • "Where is Gate [Number]?"
    "ประตูขึ้นเครื่องหมายเลข [เลข] อยู่ที่ไหน?"
  • "Is this the boarding area for [Flight Number]?"
    "ที่นี่เป็นพื้นที่ขึ้นเครื่องของเที่ยวบิน [หมายเลขเที่ยวบิน] ใช่ไหม?"
  • "When does boarding start?"
  • "Has the flight been delayed?"

On the Plane

  • "Where is my seat?"
  • "Can I have a blanket, please?"
  • "May I have some water, please?"
  • "Is there a meal on this flight?"


  • "Where is baggage claim?"
  • "Where can I get a taxi?"
  • "Where is the exit?"
  • "Can you tell me where the customs area is?"

Example Conversations

Checking In
Student 1: Where is the check-in counter for Thai Airways?
Student 4: I see it, right over there, by the blue sign.
Student 2: Thank you! [The group approaches the counter]
Student 3: Hello, we have a reservation under the name of Somchai.
Check-in Staff: May I see your passports, please?
Student 4: Here are our passports. Can I have a window seat, please?
Check-in Staff: Sure! How many bags are you checking in?
Student 2: I have two bags to check in.
Student 1: None. I'm traveling light.
Check-in Staff: All set! Please proceed to the security checkpoint.
Student 3: Great! Thank you.

At the Security Checkpoint
Student 1: Is this where we take off our shoes?
Student 2: Yes, I think we have to remove our shoes and belts.
Security Officer: Please place your shoes, belts, and any electronic devices in the tray.
Student 4: Oh, I almost forgot to take out my laptop.
Student 3: Do I need to take out liquids from my bag?
Security Officer: Yes, liquids should be placed in a clear plastic bag.
Student 2: All right, I’m ready.
Student 1: Me too! Let's go through the scanner.
Security Officer: Please step forward one at a time.
Student 4: (After passing through) That wasn't too bad.
Student 3: Yeah, now let’s find our gate!

Boarding the Plane
Student 1: Is it our turn to board yet?
Student 2: They just called for Group B. We're in Group C, so we should be next.
Flight Attendant: (Announcing) Now boarding Group C.
Student 3: That’s us! Let’s get in line.
Student 4: Do you have your boarding pass ready?
Student 1: Yes, and I have my passport too.
Flight Attendant: Welcome aboard! Can I see your boarding passes, please?
Student 3: Here are all of ours.
Flight Attendant: Thank you. Your seats are in row 15, on the right side.
Student 2: Perfect! I think I’m in the aisle seat.
Student 4: I got the window seat!
Student 1: I’m in the middle, but that's okay.
Student 3: Let’s settle in. I can’t wait for takeoff!