Flexible Hours (L2)

This lesson focuses on conversations between two work colleagues, Jane and Dave, about flexible working hours.

Flexible Hours (L2)
Photo by Estée Janssens / Unsplash
Flexible hours

Conversation 1:

Jane: Hey Dave, have you heard anything from management about flexible working hours?

Dave: Not yet. But I'm hoping they'll implement it soon.

Jane: Me too. I have a family to take care of, and sometimes work can get in the way.

Dave: Same here. I have a lot of errands to run during the daytime but can't do them because of work.

Jane: Flexible working hours would be a game-changer for people like us.

Dave: Definitely! I heard that some companies allow their employees to work from home from time to time.

Jane: That would be great! I wouldn't have to worry about daycare or a babysitter.

Dave: Yeah, and I could save time and gas on my commute.

Jane: Let's hope management hears our plea and implements this soon.

Conversation 2:

Jane: Dave, did you hear that we're going to have flexible working hours starting next month?

Dave: No way! That's great news! How did you find out?

Jane: I got an email from HR yesterday. They're trying to accommodate employees who can't work regular office hours.

Dave: This is perfect! I can finally schedule appointments during the day without worrying about missing work.

Jane: And I can adjust my work schedule to pick up my kids from school.

Dave: Do we need to provide reasons for wanting flexible hours?

Jane: I'm not sure, but we should check with HR. It might depend on our department or job function.

Dave: Thanks for letting me know, Jane. This is a huge relief for me.

Conversation 3:

Jane: Hey Dave, I was wondering if you could switch shifts with me on Friday. I have a doctor's appointment in the morning.

Dave: Sure, no problem! I'm happy to help. But why don't you just ask our manager for flexible hours?

Jane: I already did, but she said that we need to schedule these things in advance and can't change our work hours on short notice.

Dave: Oh, I see. That's too bad.

Jane: Yeah, I wish they were more flexible with last-minute changes. But I'm glad I have coworkers like you who are always willing to help out.

Dave: Of course! We're a team, and we need to support each other.

Jane: Thanks a lot, Dave. I owe you one.

Dave: No problem, Jane. I know you'd do the same for me if I needed it.

Flexible - able to change easily Management - people in charge Implement - put into action Family - group of relatives Errands - small tasks Game-changer - something that changes everything Commute - travel to/from work Accommodate - provide for Department - section of a company Job function - duties of a job Schedule - plan for a specific time Appointment - meeting with doctor Last-minute - happening just before something Coworkers - people who work together Support - help