Girls In Tech

Girls In Tech
Photo by Mimi Thian / Unsplash

This video is about girls in the field of computer science. The video features several women who share their experiences and thoughts on the subject. They discuss how they became interested in computer science, the stereotypes and stigmas associated with the field, and the importance of having more women in the industry. The women emphasize that computer science is not just about sitting in front of a computer all day, but involves a lot of teamwork, human interaction, and creativity. They also highlight the diverse range of opportunities available in the field and encourage more girls to explore computer science.

Watch the video and then try and answer the questions below:

  1. What inspired some of the women in the video to pursue computer science?
  2. What are some of the stereotypes and stigmas associated with the field of computer science?
  3. How do the women describe their experiences working in computer science?
  4. Why do they believe it is important to have more women in the field of computer science?
  5. What advice do the women have for girls who may be interested in pursuing computer science?
Computer science: the study of computers and computing. Stereotype: a widely held, oversimplified image or idea. Stigma: a mark of disgrace associated with something. Teamwork: collaborative effort by a group to achieve a goal. Creativity: the use of imagination to produce original ideas. Diversity: variety; a range of different things. Industry: economic activity concerned with goods or services. Course: a program of study in a particular subject. Technology: the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Negotiator: someone who conducts discussions to reach an agreement. Glue: something that binds or unites. Atmosphere: the pervading tone or mood of a place or situation. Viewpoint: a particular attitude or way of considering something. Product: something that is manufactured or refined for sale. Field: an area of activity or interest. Possibility: a thing that may happen or be the case. Adrenaline: a hormone that increases heart rate and blood pressure. Inspiration: the process of being mentally stimulated to do something creative. Cubicle: a small partitioned off area of a room. Showering: washing oneself with a shower.
Example Answers
  1. Some of the women in the video were inspired to pursue computer science because they were interested in creating things, making computers do things, and making magic in the world.
  2. Some of the stereotypes and stigmas associated with the field of computer science include it being a male-dominated field, being considered uncool or nerdy, and the fear of sitting in front of a computer all day.
  3. The women describe their experiences working in computer science as exciting, involving a lot of teamwork and human interaction, and being the least boring thing they can think of.
  4. They believe it is important to have more women in the field of computer science because women bring a diverse range of viewpoints, can be great negotiators and team players, and bring a social atmosphere that makes things more inviting.
  5. The advice that the women have for girls who may be interested in pursuing computer science is to take at least one computer science course, even if they are not sure if they are interested in the field, because computer science touches all industries and offers a diverse range of opportunities.