Heidi by Johanna Spryi (Simplified)
Heidi is a young orphan girl who is sent to live with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps. Her joyful nature brings happiness to those around her, even when she later moves to the city.

Part 1: Introduction and Journey to the Alm
Heidi was a little girl who lived with her Aunt Deta. One sunny day, Aunt Deta took Heidi to live with her grandfather. He lived high up in the mountains, in a place called the Alm. Heidi had never been to the mountains before, so she was very excited.
Aunt Deta and Heidi started their journey early in the morning. They walked up a steep and narrow path. It was a long and tiring walk. Heidi wore heavy clothes, even though it was hot, because Aunt Deta wanted her to be prepared for the cold mountain air.
After climbing for a long time, they reached a small village halfway up the mountain. People greeted Aunt Deta because they knew her. They asked her many questions, but she did not stop for long. She wanted to reach the top of the mountain before it got dark.
Finally, they arrived at the top where Heidi's grandfather lived. His house was a small wooden cabin. Heidi saw an old man with a long beard sitting outside. This was her grandfather.
"Hello, Grandfather!" said Heidi, smiling brightly.
Her grandfather looked at her with surprise. He had not seen Heidi since she was a baby. "Hello," he said in a rough voice. "Why are you here?"
"Aunt Deta brought me to live with you," Heidi explained.
Her grandfather nodded slowly. He looked at Aunt Deta and said, "Very well. I will take care of her."
Aunt Deta was relieved. She said goodbye to Heidi and walked back down the mountain. Heidi watched her go and then turned to explore her new home.
Heidi was curious about her new home. She looked around the cabin. There was a table, a chair, and a bed for her grandfather. In one corner, she saw a ladder leading to a small loft.
"Can I sleep up there?" Heidi asked.
Her grandfather smiled for the first time. "Yes, you can," he said.
Heidi climbed up the ladder. The loft was filled with fresh, soft hay. She made a cozy bed for herself and felt very happy. She liked her new home very much.
The next morning, Heidi woke up early. She heard a loud whistle outside. When she looked out the window, she saw a boy with a herd of goats. The boy's name was Peter. He took the goats to the pasture every day.
"Do you want to go with him?" asked her grandfather.
Heidi nodded eagerly. She quickly washed her face and hands. Her grandfather gave her some bread and cheese for lunch and a small bowl for milk. Then Heidi ran outside to join Peter and the goats.
The fresh mountain air made her feel alive and free. Heidi was excited to explore the beautiful mountains and meadows with her new friend Peter and the playful goats.
- Journey - a trip from one place to another (การเดินทาง)
- Excited - very happy and enthusiastic (ตื่นเต้น)
- Steep - rising or falling sharply (สูงชัน)
- Narrow - not wide (แคบ)
- Cabin - a small house, usually made of wood (กระท่อม)
- Surprise - an unexpected event or feeling (ความประหลาดใจ)
- Curious - wanting to know or learn something (อยากรู้อยากเห็น)
- Loft - a room or space directly under the roof of a house (ห้องใต้หลังคา)
- Fresh - recently made or obtained; not old or stale (สด)
- Pasture - land covered with grass where animals graze (ทุ่งหญ้าเลี้ยงสัตว์)
- Eagerly - with a lot of interest or excitement (อย่างกระตือรือร้น)
- Explore - to travel around an area to learn about it (สำรวจ)
- Glistening - shining with reflected light (เป็นประกาย)
- Cozy - warm, comfortable, and safe (อบอุ่นสบาย)
- Mountains - large natural elevations of the earth's surface (ภูเขา)
- Graze - to eat grass in a field (เล็มหญ้า)
- Playful - full of fun and high spirits (ขี้เล่น)
- Company - the fact of being with others (เพื่อนร่วมทาง)
Questions for Part 1
Comprehension Questions:
- Who does Heidi live with at the beginning of the story?
- Where is Aunt Deta taking Heidi, and why?
- How does Heidi feel about going to the mountains?
- Describe Heidi’s first impression of her grandfather.\
- What does Heidi do when she arrives at her grandfather’s house?
- Who is Peter, and what does he do every day?
- How does Heidi feel about her new home in the mountains?
Discussion Questions:
- Why do you think Aunt Deta decided to take Heidi to her grandfather?
- How do you think Heidi’s life will change now that she lives in the mountains?
- What do you think about Heidi’s relationship with her grandfather?
- How does Heidi’s curiosity and excitement about her new surroundings help her adapt to her new life?
- Why is it important for Heidi to make friends with Peter and the goats?
Part 2: Life with Grandfather
Heidi quickly settled into her new life with her grandfather. Every morning, she woke up early, excited to start the day. Her grandfather, whom she called Grandfather, was always up before her, preparing breakfast. He made sure she had fresh milk from the goats and bread with cheese.
After breakfast, Heidi would go outside to play. She loved running around in the fresh mountain air and exploring the beautiful surroundings. Her grandfather was always nearby, working on different tasks around the cabin. He would cut wood, fix the roof, or take care of the goats. Heidi loved to watch him work and sometimes tried to help.
One day, Heidi decided to visit Peter's grandmother. She had heard so much about her and wanted to meet her. Her grandfather agreed and told her to be careful on the way down. Heidi was very excited and couldn't wait to see Peter and his grandmother.
When Heidi arrived at Peter's house, she found his grandmother sitting in a small, dark kitchen. The grandmother was blind and couldn't see Heidi, but she was very happy to hear her voice. Heidi introduced herself and sat down next to the old woman. She told her all about her new life with Grandfather and how much she loved the mountains.
Peter's grandmother listened carefully and smiled. She was happy that Heidi had come to visit her. Heidi promised to come and see her often. Before leaving, she noticed that the house was old and needed some repairs. She thought about how her grandfather could fix it and decided to ask him later.
Heidi went back home and told her grandfather about the visit. She asked him if he could fix Peter's grandmother's house. Grandfather agreed to help and promised to go with her the next time she visited.
The next day, Heidi went up the mountain with Peter and the goats again. She loved spending time with the animals and enjoyed Peter's company. They would talk and play games while the goats grazed on the green pastures. Heidi learned the names of all the goats and quickly became friends with them.
As the days went by, Heidi grew stronger and healthier. The fresh mountain air and the healthy food made her feel alive and happy. She loved her new life and was grateful to her grandfather for taking such good care of her.
One evening, as Heidi and her grandfather sat outside the cabin, the sky turned a beautiful shade of pink and orange. The sun was setting, and the mountains looked like they were on fire. Heidi was amazed by the sight and felt a deep sense of peace and happiness.
Grandfather noticed her expression and said, "Heidi, this is your home now. You are safe and loved here."
Heidi hugged her grandfather tightly and whispered, "Thank you, Grandfather. I love it here."
- Settle - to establish a home or place (ตั้งถิ่นฐาน)
- Excited - very happy and enthusiastic (ตื่นเต้น)
- Prepare - to make something ready (เตรียม)
- Explore - to travel around an area to learn about it (สำรวจ)
- Surroundings - the environment or area around something (สิ่งแวดล้อม)
- Repair - to fix something that is broken or damaged (ซ่อมแซม)
- Curious - wanting to know or learn something (อยากรู้อยากเห็น)
- Blind - unable to see (ตาบอด)
- Promise - to tell someone you will definitely do something (สัญญา)
- Companionship - the feeling of having friends or being with someone (ความเป็นเพื่อน)
- Pasture - land covered with grass where animals graze (ทุ่งหญ้าเลี้ยงสัตว์)
- Healthy - in good physical or mental condition (มีสุขภาพดี)
- Fresh - recently made or obtained; not old or stale (สด)
- Vivacity - the quality of being lively and animated (ความร่าเริง)
- Sunset - the time in the evening when the sun goes down (พระอาทิตย์ตกดิน)
- Peace - a state of calm and quiet (ความสงบ)
- Grateful - feeling or showing thanks (รู้สึกขอบคุณ)
- Adventures - exciting or unusual experiences (การผจญภัย)
Questions for Part 2
Comprehension Questions:
- What does Heidi do every morning after waking up?
- How does Heidi help her grandfather with his work?
- Why does Heidi decide to visit Peter’s grandmother?
- What is Peter’s grandmother like? Describe her.
- What does Heidi notice about Peter’s grandmother’s house?
- How does Heidi feel about spending time with the goats and Peter?
- What makes Heidi happy about her new life in the mountains?
Discussion Questions:
- Why do you think Heidi enjoys her new life with her grandfather?
- How does Heidi’s visit to Peter’s grandmother show her kind and caring nature?
- What can we learn from Heidi’s eagerness to help and befriend others?
- How do you think living in the mountains helps Heidi grow stronger and healthier?
- What does the sunset scene symbolize for Heidi and her relationship with her grandfather?
Part 3: Heidi's First Friendships
Heidi quickly became friends with Peter, the goatherd, and his goats. Every day, Heidi would wake up early and join Peter on the mountain. Peter's job was to take the goats to graze on the lush, green pastures high up in the Alps. Heidi loved being with the goats and running around in the fresh mountain air.
Peter was a quiet boy, but he liked having Heidi's company. She asked him many questions about the mountains and the goats. Heidi soon learned the names of all the goats and became very attached to them. Her favorite goats were Schwänli and Bärli, her grandfather’s goats. They were gentle and always stayed close to Heidi.
One day, as they were sitting on the grass, Heidi asked Peter about his family. Peter told her that he lived with his mother, Brigida, and his blind grandmother. They lived in a small, old house in the village. Heidi remembered her promise to visit Peter’s grandmother often, so she decided to go the next day.
The following morning, Heidi asked her grandfather if she could visit Peter's grandmother. He agreed and even offered to walk with her to make sure she got there safely. When they arrived, Peter's grandmother was delighted to see Heidi again. She reached out to feel Heidi’s face and hands.
"You are such a sweet child," the grandmother said. "I am so happy you came to visit me."
Heidi sat next to the grandmother and started talking about her life on the mountain. She described the beautiful sunsets and the fun she had with Peter and the goats. The grandmother listened with a smile, happy to hear about Heidi’s adventures.
During the visit, Heidi noticed that the house was old and needed repairs. She thought about how her grandfather could help fix it. When she returned home, she told her grandfather about the grandmother's house.
"Grandfather, Peter's grandmother’s house is very old and needs fixing. Can you help them?" Heidi asked.
Her grandfather thought for a moment and then nodded. "Yes, Heidi, I can help them. We will go tomorrow and see what needs to be done."
The next day, Heidi and her grandfather went to Peter's house. He brought his tools and started fixing the shutters and the roof. Heidi helped by carrying nails and handing him tools. Peter's grandmother was very grateful.
"Thank you so much," she said. "I don’t know what we would do without your help."
Heidi felt very happy to see her grandfather helping others. She realized how kind and strong he was. Peter was also grateful, and his respect for Heidi’s grandfather grew even more.
As the days passed, Heidi continued to visit Peter’s grandmother. She loved to sit and talk with her, sharing stories about her adventures on the mountain. The grandmother enjoyed Heidi's visits and loved hearing about her life.
- Graze - to eat grass in a field (เล็มหญ้า)
- Lush - growing thickly and healthily (เขียวขจี)
- Attached - having strong feelings of affection (ผูกพัน)
- Gentle - kind and calm in behavior (อ่อนโยน)
- Describe - to give an account of something with words (บรรยาย)
- Adventure - an exciting or unusual experience (การผจญภัย)
- Repair - to fix something that is broken or damaged (ซ่อมแซม)
- Shutters - wooden covers for windows (บานประตูหน้าต่าง)
- Grateful - feeling or showing thanks (รู้สึกขอบคุณ)
- Respect - a feeling of deep admiration for someone (ความเคารพ)
- Content - feeling happy and satisfied (พอใจ)
- Shutters - wooden covers for windows (บานหน้าต่าง)
- Curious - wanting to know or learn something (อยากรู้อยากเห็น)
- Village - a small community or group of houses in a rural area (หมู่บ้าน)
- Delighted - feeling or showing great pleasure (ยินดี)
- Describe - to give an account of something with words (อธิบาย)
- Grateful - feeling or showing thanks (รู้สึกขอบคุณ)
- Respect - a feeling of deep admiration for someone (ความเคารพ)
- Bond - a strong connection or relationship (ความผูกพัน)
- Willingness - the quality of being happy to do something (ความเต็มใจ)
Questions for Part 3
Comprehension Questions:
- Who does Heidi become friends with, and what does Peter do every day?
- What does Heidi enjoy doing on the mountain with Peter and the goats?
- How does Heidi feel about the goats, especially Schwänli and Bärli?
- What does Peter tell Heidi about his family?
- Why does Heidi decide to visit Peter's grandmother?
- What does Heidi notice about Peter’s grandmother’s house during her visit?
- How does Heidi’s grandfather help Peter’s grandmother?
Discussion Questions:
- Why do you think Peter enjoys having Heidi’s company even though he is usually a quiet boy?
- How do Heidi’s visits to Peter’s grandmother show her caring and thoughtful nature?
- Why is it important for Heidi to ask her grandfather to help repair the house?
- How does helping Peter’s grandmother strengthen the bond between Heidi and her grandfather?
- What can we learn from Heidi’s willingness to help others and her ability to make friends easily?
Part 4: Exploring the Alm
Heidi loved her new life on the mountain. Every day was an adventure, and she discovered something new. She enjoyed exploring the Alm and learning about the plants and animals that lived there. Her grandfather was always there to answer her questions and teach her about nature.
One sunny morning, Heidi decided to explore a little further. She wanted to see where the goats went when they wandered off. Her grandfather gave her permission but warned her to be careful and stay away from the steep cliffs. Heidi promised to be cautious and set off with a happy heart.
As she wandered through the meadows, she picked flowers and listened to the birds singing. She felt a deep sense of peace and happiness. Suddenly, she heard a loud noise behind a large rock. Curious, she went to see what it was and found a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest. The little bird was chirping loudly, and Heidi felt sorry for it.
"Don't worry, little bird," she said gently. "I will help you."
She carefully picked up the bird and looked around for the nest. It was high up in a tree, and she knew she couldn't reach it. Thinking quickly, she decided to take the bird to her grandfather. He would know what to do.
Heidi hurried back to the cabin, holding the bird gently in her hands. When she arrived, she showed her grandfather the baby bird and explained what had happened.
"Good job, Heidi," her grandfather said with a smile. "You did the right thing. Let's make a little nest for it and keep it safe until it can fly."
Together, they made a cozy nest for the bird in a small box. They fed it and took care of it every day. Heidi was delighted to have a new friend to care for.
One evening, as Heidi and her grandfather were sitting outside, they heard the sound of bells. Looking up, they saw a group of people coming up the path. It was a group of tourists visiting the mountain. They were surprised to see the cabin and even more surprised to see Heidi and her grandfather.
The tourists asked many questions about their life on the mountain, and Heidi happily answered them. She told them about her adventures with the goats, her visits to Peter's grandmother, and how much she loved the beautiful scenery. The tourists were fascinated and took many pictures.
After the tourists left, Heidi and her grandfather sat quietly, watching the sunset. The sky turned pink and orange, and the mountains glowed in the evening light. Heidi felt grateful for her wonderful life and the beautiful place she called home.
As the days passed, the baby bird grew stronger. One morning, it finally spread its wings and flew away. Heidi watched it go with a mixture of sadness and joy. She was happy that the bird was free, but she would miss her little friend.
Her grandfather hugged her and said, "Heidi, you have a kind heart. You helped the bird when it needed you, and now it is free because of your care."
- Explore - to travel around an area to learn about it (สำรวจ)
- Permission - consent or authorization to do something (การอนุญาต)
- Careful - making sure to avoid danger or mistakes (ระมัดระวัง)
- Steep - rising or falling sharply (สูงชัน)
- Meadow - a field of grass and flowers (ทุ่งหญ้า)
- Curious - wanting to know or learn something (อยากรู้อยากเห็น)
- Nest - a structure built by birds to lay eggs and raise their young (รังนก)
- Tourist - a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure (นักท่องเที่ยว)
- Fascinated - extremely interested in something (หลงใหล)
- Scenery - the natural features of a landscape (ทิวทัศน์)
- Grateful - feeling or showing thanks (รู้สึกขอบคุณ)
- Cozy - warm, comfortable, and safe (อบอุ่นสบาย)
- Mix - a combination of different things (ผสม)
- Kindness - the quality of being friendly and considerate (ความเมตตา)
- Surrounded - being all around something (ล้อมรอบ)
- Adventure - an exciting or unusual experience (การผจญภัย)
- Majestic - having or showing impressive beauty (สง่างาม)
- Permission - consent or authorization to do something (การอนุญาต)
- Chirp - a short, sharp sound made by small birds or insects (เสียงจิ๊บๆ)
- Cautious - careful to avoid potential problems or dangers (ระมัดระวัง)
Questions for Part 4
Comprehension Questions:
- What did Heidi decide to do one sunny morning?
- What did Heidi's grandfather warn her about before she went exploring?
- What did Heidi find behind the large rock?
- How did Heidi help the baby bird?
- What did Heidi and her grandfather do to take care of the baby bird?
- Who came to visit the mountain one evening?
- How did Heidi feel about the tourists' visit?
- What happened to the baby bird in the end?
Discussion Questions:
- Why do you think Heidi enjoys exploring the Alm so much?
- How does helping the baby bird show Heidi’s character?
- What can we learn from Heidi’s interaction with the tourists?
- How do you think Heidi’s experiences on the mountain are shaping her as a person?
- What does the scene with the baby bird teach us about care and compassion?
Part 5: Unexpected Visitors
One day, as Heidi and her grandfather were going about their usual morning routine, they heard a noise coming from the path leading up to the cabin. It was an unusual sound, not like the gentle rustling of the trees or the calls of the mountain animals. Curious, Heidi ran to see what it was.
Aunt Deta was climbing up the path, carrying a suitcase. Heidi hadn't seen her aunt since she had come to live with her grandfather. Deta looked tired from the climb but waved cheerfully when she saw Heidi.
"Hello, Heidi! How are you?" Aunt Deta called out.
Heidi ran to greet her. "Aunt Deta, what are you doing here?"
Deta smiled and hugged Heidi. "I have come to take you to a new place, Heidi. You are going to live with a family in the city."
Heidi was shocked. "But I love living here with Grandfather. I don’t want to leave."
Her grandfather came out of the cabin and walked over to them. He had a serious look on his face. "What is this about, Deta?"
Deta explained that a wealthy family in Frankfurt had heard about Heidi and wanted to take her in. They had a daughter who was sick and needed a companion. They thought Heidi would be perfect for the job. Deta assured them that it would be a good opportunity for Heidi to get an education and see the world outside the mountains.
Heidi clung to her grandfather. "I don’t want to go. I want to stay here."
Her grandfather looked at Deta sternly. "Heidi is happy here. Why should she leave?"
Deta tried to convince him. "She will have a better life in the city, with more opportunities. It’s not forever. She can come back."
Heidi was confused and scared. She didn’t want to leave the mountains, her grandfather, or the goats. She had found a true home here and loved every part of it.
Seeing how distressed Heidi was, her grandfather knelt down beside her. "Heidi, you don’t have to go if you don’t want to. You can stay here with me."
Heidi looked up at her grandfather with tears in her eyes. "I want to stay with you, Grandfather."
Deta sighed, realizing that Heidi’s heart was set on staying. "Alright, Heidi. But remember, the offer is always open. If you ever change your mind, you can go to Frankfurt."
After Aunt Deta left, Heidi hugged her grandfather tightly, relieved that she could stay. However, the encounter left her feeling uneasy. She couldn’t stop thinking about the sick girl in Frankfurt and wondered what her life would be like.
A few days later, another visitor arrived. This time, it was a man dressed in fine clothes. He introduced himself as Mr. Sesemann, the father of the sick girl in Frankfurt. He had come to see Heidi himself and talk to her grandfather.
Mr. Sesemann explained that his daughter, Clara, was very lonely and ill. She needed a friend to cheer her up. He assured them that Heidi would be well taken care of and could return to the mountains whenever she wanted.
Heidi’s grandfather listened carefully. After a long conversation, he turned to Heidi. "It is your choice, Heidi. Do you want to help this girl and see the world outside the mountains?"
Heidi was torn. She loved her life on the mountain, but she also felt compassion for Clara. She didn’t know what to do.
Heidi looked up at her grandfather, seeking his guidance. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "Think about it carefully, Heidi. You have a kind heart. Do what feels right to you."
Heidi took a deep breath and nodded. She needed time to think about this big decision.
- Routine - a regular way of doing things (กิจวัตร)
- Curious - wanting to know or learn something (อยากรู้อยากเห็น)
- Cheerfully - in a happy and positive manner (อย่างร่าเริง)
- Opportunity - a chance for advancement or progress (โอกาส)
- Companion - a person who spends time with another (เพื่อน)
- Shocked - very surprised and upset (ตกใจ)
- Sternly - in a serious and severe manner (อย่างเคร่งขรึม)
- Distressed - very upset or worried (เป็นทุกข์)
- Relieved - feeling happy because something unpleasant has stopped (โล่งใจ)
- Uneasy - feeling worried or unsure (กังวล)
- Compassion - sympathy for another's suffering (ความเห็นอกเห็นใจ)
- Introduce - to present someone by name (แนะนำ)
- Cheer - to make someone feel happier (ให้กำลังใจ)
- Assure - to tell someone something positively to remove doubts (รับรอง)
- Guidance - advice or information aimed at resolving a problem (คำแนะนำ)
- Torn - feeling confused because you are in conflict about something (สับสน)
- Visitor - someone who comes to visit (ผู้มาเยือน)
- Decision - a choice made after thinking about something (การตัดสินใจ)
- Fine - of high quality (ดีมาก)
- Think - to use your mind to consider something (คิด)
Questions for Part 5
Comprehension Questions:
- Who unexpectedly visits Heidi and her grandfather?
- What news does Aunt Deta bring?
- Why does Aunt Deta think it would be good for Heidi to go to Frankfurt?
- How does Heidi feel about the idea of leaving the mountains?
- What does Heidi's grandfather think about Heidi leaving?
- Who is Mr. Sesemann, and why does he visit Heidi and her grandfather?
- What does Mr. Sesemann ask Heidi to do?
- How does Heidi feel about the decision she has to make?
Discussion Questions:
- Why do you think Aunt Deta wants Heidi to go to Frankfurt?
- How does Heidi's relationship with her grandfather influence her decision?
- What would you do if you were in Heidi’s position? Why?
- How does Heidi's compassion for Clara affect her feelings about leaving the mountains?
- What qualities does Heidi show in dealing with this situation?
Part 6: A Difficult Decision
Heidi spent the next few days thinking deeply about the decision she had to make. She loved her life on the mountain with her grandfather, Peter, and the goats. The fresh air, the beautiful scenery, and the peacefulness of the Alps made her very happy. But she also felt sorry for Clara, the sick girl in Frankfurt, and wanted to help her.
One evening, Heidi sat with her grandfather outside the cabin, watching the sunset. The sky was painted in beautiful shades of pink and orange. Heidi finally spoke up. "Grandfather, I want to help Clara. She needs a friend. But I don’t want to leave you and the mountains."
Her grandfather looked at her with understanding eyes. "Heidi, you have a kind heart. It’s good that you want to help Clara. You can always come back to the mountains. They will be here waiting for you, and so will I."
Heidi felt a sense of relief. She knew her grandfather was right. She could go to Frankfurt, help Clara, and then return to her beloved mountains.
The next morning, Heidi told Mr. Sesemann her decision. "I will go to Frankfurt and be Clara’s friend. But I want to come back to the mountains one day."
Mr. Sesemann was pleased. "Thank you, Heidi. You will be a great help to Clara. And of course, you can come back whenever you want."
Heidi packed her things with a heavy heart. Her grandfather helped her prepare for the journey. Peter came to say goodbye, and Heidi hugged him tightly. "I will miss you, Peter. Take care of the goats for me."
Peter nodded, trying to be brave. "I will. Come back soon, Heidi."
Her grandfather walked with her down the mountain to the village. From there, they would take the train to Frankfurt. As they reached the village, Heidi turned back to look at the mountains one last time. She felt a deep connection to this place and knew she would return one day.
On the train, Mr. Sesemann tried to make Heidi feel comfortable. "Frankfurt is a big city, Heidi. You will see many new things. But don’t worry, you will like it."
Heidi nodded, but she couldn't help feeling a bit nervous. The city was so different from the peaceful mountains. When they arrived in Frankfurt, Heidi was amazed by the tall buildings, busy streets, and many people. It was noisy and bustling, unlike anything she had ever seen.
Mr. Sesemann took her to his large, elegant house. Inside, everything was grand and beautiful, but Heidi missed the simplicity of her cabin. A kind-looking woman named Miss Rottenmeier greeted them. She was in charge of the household and made sure everything ran smoothly.
"Heidi, this is Miss Rottenmeier," Mr. Sesemann introduced them. "She will take care of you and show you around."
Miss Rottenmeier looked at Heidi curiously. "Welcome, Heidi. I hope you will be a good companion for Clara."
Heidi nodded politely. "Thank you. I will do my best."
Mr. Sesemann led Heidi to Clara’s room. Clara was lying in bed, looking pale and frail. She smiled weakly when she saw Heidi.
"Hello, Heidi. I am Clara. I am so happy you are here," she said softly.
Heidi walked over to the bed and took Clara’s hand. "Hello, Clara. I am happy to meet you. I will be your friend, and we will have many good times together."
Clara’s eyes brightened a little. "Thank you, Heidi. I am sure we will."
Heidi spent the next few days getting to know Clara and her new surroundings. She missed the mountains and her grandfather terribly, but she was determined to make Clara happy. They talked, played games, and read books together. Heidi’s cheerful nature and kind heart started to bring joy to Clara’s life.
One day, while sitting in the garden, Clara asked Heidi about her home in the mountains. Heidi’s eyes lit up as she described the beautiful scenery, the goats, and her adventures with Peter.
"It sounds wonderful," Clara said wistfully. "I wish I could see it."
Heidi squeezed Clara’s hand. "One day, you will. And I will show you everything."
As the days turned into weeks, Heidi continued to brighten Clara’s days. She knew she had made the right decision to come to Frankfurt, but her heart still longed for the mountains. She often dreamed of the day she would return.
- Decision - a choice made after thinking about something (การตัดสินใจ)
- Routine - a regular way of doing things (กิจวัตร)
- Opportunity - a chance for advancement or progress (โอกาส)
- Companion - a person who spends time with another (เพื่อน)
- Elegant - stylishly graceful and sophisticated (สง่างาม)
- Frailty - the condition of being weak and delicate (ความอ่อนแอ)
- Determined - having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it (มุ่งมั่น)
- Cheerful - noticeably happy and optimistic (ร่าเริง)
- Wistfully - with a feeling of vague or regretful longing (อย่างโหยหา)
- Grand - magnificent and imposing in appearance (ยิ่งใหญ่)
- Bustling - full of energetic and noisy activity (คึกคัก)
- Relief - a feeling of reassurance and relaxation following release from anxiety or distress (ความโล่งอก)
- Comfortable - providing physical ease and relaxation (สบาย)
- Kind-hearted - having a kind and sympathetic nature (ใจดี)
- Compassion - sympathy for another's suffering (ความเห็นอกเห็นใจ)
- Surroundings - the things and conditions around a person or place (สิ่งแวดล้อม)
- Determined - having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it (ตั้งใจแน่วแน่)
- Elegance - the quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance (ความสง่างาม)
- Impressions - an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone (ความประทับใจ)
- Beneath - extending or directly underneath (ข้างใต้)
Questions for Part 6
Comprehension Questions:
- What difficult decision does Heidi have to make?
- Why does Heidi decide to go to Frankfurt?
- What does her grandfather tell her about returning to the mountains?
- How does Mr. Sesemann react to Heidi's decision?
- What are Heidi's first impressions of Frankfurt?
- Who is Miss Rottenmeier, and what is her role in the household?
- How does Clara react when she first meets Heidi?
- How does Heidi help to brighten Clara's life?
- What does Clara wish for after hearing about Heidi's life in the mountains?
Discussion Questions:
- What do you think of Heidi’s decision to go to Frankfurt? Was it the right choice? Why or why not?
- How do you think Heidi’s experiences in the mountains will help her in Frankfurt?
- How does Heidi's relationship with her grandfather influence her ability to make difficult decisions?
- In what ways can Heidi’s presence benefit Clara?
- How do you think Heidi’s longing for the mountains will affect her time in Frankfurt?
Part 7: Great Disturbances in the Sesemann House
Heidi quickly adapted to life in Frankfurt, even though she missed her grandfather and the mountains every day. She spent most of her time with Clara, keeping her company and cheering her up. Heidi’s lively spirit and joyful nature brought happiness to the Sesemann household.
However, not everyone was pleased with Heidi’s presence. Miss Rottenmeier, the housekeeper, found Heidi’s free-spirited ways disruptive. She was used to a strict and orderly house, and Heidi’s curiosity and energy did not fit into her well-ordered world.
One morning, Heidi was exploring the grand house, fascinated by all the rooms and the beautiful decorations. She wandered into the library and started looking at the books. Miss Rottenmeier found her there and scolded her sharply.
“Heidi, what are you doing here? This is not a place for children. You should be with Clara,” she said, her voice stern.
Heidi looked up, surprised. “I’m sorry, Miss Rottenmeier. I was just curious about the books.”
“Curiosity is not an excuse for breaking the rules. Now go back to Clara’s room immediately,” Miss Rottenmeier ordered.
Heidi obediently went back to Clara’s room, feeling a bit sad. Clara noticed and asked her what was wrong. Heidi explained what had happened, and Clara tried to comfort her.
“Don’t worry, Heidi. Miss Rottenmeier is strict, but she means well. Just try to follow the rules,” Clara said kindly.
Heidi nodded and tried her best to follow the rules, but her natural curiosity often got her into trouble. One day, she found a beautiful painting in the hallway and stopped to admire it. She lost track of time and was late for lunch. Miss Rottenmeier was furious.
“Heidi, you must learn to be punctual. This behavior is unacceptable,” she scolded.
“I’m sorry, Miss Rottenmeier. I will try to be on time,” Heidi promised, feeling ashamed.
Despite the scoldings, Heidi continued to bring joy to Clara. They spent hours playing games, reading books, and talking about Heidi’s life in the mountains. Clara loved hearing about the goats, the fresh air, and the beautiful scenery. Heidi’s stories filled her with a longing to see the mountains one day.
One afternoon, Mr. Sesemann returned from a business trip. He had heard about the disturbances from Miss Rottenmeier and wanted to see how things were going. When he saw how happy Clara was with Heidi, he was pleased.
“Heidi, you have brought so much happiness to Clara. Thank you,” he said warmly.
Heidi smiled. “I’m happy to be here with Clara, Mr. Sesemann.”
Miss Rottenmeier, however, was not convinced. She thought Heidi was too wild and wanted Mr. Sesemann to send her back to the mountains. She believed that Clara needed a more disciplined companion.
“Mr. Sesemann, Heidi is a good girl, but she disrupts the order of the house. Perhaps it would be better for Clara to have a different companion,” she suggested.
Mr. Sesemann looked thoughtful. “I understand your concerns, Miss Rottenmeier. But Clara is happy with Heidi, and her health has improved. Let’s give it some more time.”
Miss Rottenmeier reluctantly agreed, but she kept a close eye on Heidi, ready to scold her for any mistake.
One evening, a great disturbance occurred in the house. Heidi had been feeling homesick and couldn’t sleep. She decided to go downstairs to get some fresh air. As she wandered through the dark house, she accidentally knocked over a vase, which fell to the floor with a loud crash.
Miss Rottenmeier and Mr. Sesemann rushed to the scene. When they saw Heidi standing there with a look of horror on her face, Miss Rottenmeier was quick to blame her.
“This is exactly what I was talking about, Mr. Sesemann. Heidi is too much trouble,” she said angrily.
Mr. Sesemann, however, saw the sadness in Heidi’s eyes. “It’s alright, Heidi. It was an accident. Go back to bed, and we’ll clean this up.”
Heidi nodded, tears in her eyes. She felt terrible for causing so much trouble.
As she lay in bed that night, Heidi thought about the mountains and her grandfather. She missed them more than ever. She wondered if she had made the right decision in coming to Frankfurt. She wanted to help Clara, but she didn’t want to be a burden to anyone.
The next day, Clara noticed that Heidi was unusually quiet. “What’s wrong, Heidi?” she asked.
Heidi hesitated, then told Clara about the accident and how she was feeling. Clara listened sympathetically.
“Heidi, you are not a burden. You have made me so happy, and I don’t know what I would do without you,” Clara said.
Heidi smiled faintly. “Thank you, Clara. I just want to do what’s best for everyone.”
Clara reached out and held Heidi’s hand. “You are doing your best, and that’s all that matters. Don’t worry, things will get better.”
Heidi nodded, feeling a bit reassured. She knew she had to be more careful, but she also knew that she had a friend in Clara who cared about her.
- Adapt - to adjust to new conditions (ปรับตัว)
- Strict - demanding that rules are closely followed (เข้มงวด)
- Curiosity - a strong desire to know or learn something (ความอยากรู้อยากเห็น)
- Orderly - arranged or organized in a neat, tidy manner (เป็นระเบียบเรียบร้อย)
- Punctual - happening or doing something at the agreed or proper time (ตรงต่อเวลา)
- Disturbance - an interruption of a state of peace or quiet (ความไม่สงบ)
- Obediently - in a manner that shows willingness to comply with an order or request (อย่างเชื่อฟัง)
- Furious - extremely angry (โกรธจัด)
- Improve - to make or become better (ปรับปรุง)
- Reluctantly - in an unwilling and hesitant way (อย่างไม่เต็มใจ)
- Homesick - experiencing a longing for one's home during a period of absence (คิดถึงบ้าน)
- Reassured - having confidence restored (ทำให้มั่นใจขึ้น)
- Accidentally - happening by chance or unexpectedly (โดยบังเอิญ)
- Sympathetically - in a way that shows pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune (อย่างเห็นใจ)
- Companion - a person who spends time with another (เพื่อน)
- Grand - magnificent and imposing in appearance (ยิ่งใหญ่)
- Bustling - full of energetic and noisy activity (คึกคัก)
- Elegant - stylishly graceful and sophisticated (สง่างาม)
- Obediently - in a manner that shows willingness to comply with an order or request (อย่างเชื่อฟัง)
- Reassured - having confidence restored (ทำให้มั่นใจขึ้น)
Questions for Part 7
Comprehension Questions:
- Why does Miss Rottenmeier find Heidi’s presence disruptive?
- What does Heidi do that causes Miss Rottenmeier to scold her in the library?
- How does Clara try to comfort Heidi after she gets scolded by Miss Rottenmeier?
- What happens when Heidi admires a painting in the hallway?
- How does Mr. Sesemann react to seeing Clara happy with Heidi?
Discussion Questions:
- Why do you think Heidi’s curiosity often gets her into trouble in the Sesemann house?
- How does Miss Rottenmeier's strictness contrast with Heidi’s free-spirited nature?
- What does Mr. Sesemann’s decision to keep Heidi in the house despite Miss Rottenmeier’s concerns tell you about his character?
- How do you think Heidi’s homesickness affects her actions in the Sesemann house?
- What lessons can Heidi learn from her experiences with Miss Rottenmeier and Mr. Sesemann?
Part 8: Heidi Gains in Some Respects and Loses in Others
As the weeks passed, Heidi slowly adjusted to her new life in Frankfurt. She tried her best to follow the rules and be mindful of Miss Rottenmeier’s expectations. Despite the challenges, Heidi’s cheerful spirit remained strong, and she continued to be a source of joy for Clara.
One morning, Clara's father, Mr. Sesemann, called Heidi into his study. He had received a letter from his friend, Dr. Classen, who was coming to visit Clara. Dr. Classen was a renowned doctor and hoped to help Clara improve her health.
“Heidi, Dr. Classen will be staying with us for a while,” Mr. Sesemann explained. “I want you to continue being a good friend to Clara. Your presence has made a big difference in her life.”
Heidi nodded eagerly. “I will, Mr. Sesemann. I want to help Clara as much as I can.”
When Dr. Classen arrived, he was impressed by Heidi’s positive influence on Clara. He observed how Heidi’s stories about the mountains and her lively spirit lifted Clara’s mood. One day, after watching Heidi and Clara together, he had a suggestion for Mr. Sesemann.
“Mr. Sesemann, I believe Clara’s health would benefit greatly from a change of environment,” Dr. Classen said. “Heidi’s stories about the mountains seem to energize her. Why not let Clara experience the mountains herself?”
Mr. Sesemann was hesitant. “But Clara is so frail. Do you think she can handle the journey?”
Dr. Classen smiled. “With proper care and supervision, I believe it would do her a world of good. Fresh mountain air and a change of scenery could work wonders.”
Mr. Sesemann decided to discuss the idea with Clara. When he mentioned it, Clara’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Oh, Father, I would love to see the mountains! Heidi talks about them all the time. It would be wonderful to go there.”
Heidi was thrilled when she heard the news. She couldn’t wait to show Clara her home in the mountains and introduce her to Grandfather, Peter, and the goats. The preparations for the journey began immediately.
Miss Rottenmeier, however, was not pleased with the idea. She thought it was too risky and voiced her concerns to Mr. Sesemann. “Sir, Clara is not strong enough for such a journey. It’s too dangerous.”
Mr. Sesemann listened but remained firm in his decision. “Miss Rottenmeier, I appreciate your concern, but Dr. Classen believes this will help Clara. We must give it a try.”
The day of the journey arrived, and Heidi was bursting with excitement. Clara was carefully lifted into a comfortable carriage, and the group set off for the mountains. The journey was long, but Heidi kept Clara entertained with stories and songs.
As they approached the mountains, Clara’s eyes widened in wonder. The majestic peaks, the lush green meadows, and the clear blue sky took her breath away. She understood why Heidi loved this place so much.
When they arrived at the cabin, Grandfather was waiting for them. He was overjoyed to see Heidi and welcomed Clara warmly. He had prepared a special room for Clara, making sure it was comfortable and cozy.
Peter and his goats also came to greet them. Clara was delighted to meet Peter and see the goats up close. Heidi introduced each goat by name, and Clara laughed at their playful antics.
The fresh mountain air and the beautiful surroundings had an immediate effect on Clara. She felt more alive and energetic than she had in a long time. Every day, she and Heidi explored the meadows, picked flowers, and watched the goats graze. Grandfather taught Clara how to milk the goats, and she enjoyed the new experience.
As the days went by, Clara’s health improved remarkably. She spent more time outdoors, basking in the sunshine and enjoying the peacefulness of the mountains. Heidi was overjoyed to see her friend getting stronger.
One afternoon, as they sat on a grassy hill overlooking the valley, Clara turned to Heidi. “I feel so happy here, Heidi. I never thought I could feel this way. Thank you for bringing me to your beautiful home.”
Heidi smiled and hugged Clara. “I’m so glad you are here, Clara. The mountains are a special place, and I knew you would love them.”
Despite the joy and improvement in Clara’s health, there were still challenges. Miss Rottenmeier struggled to adapt to the rustic mountain life and often complained about the lack of comforts. She missed the order and predictability of the city.
One evening, as the sun set behind the mountains, Clara and Heidi sat with Grandfather outside the cabin. They watched the sky turn shades of pink and orange, marveling at the beauty of the scene.
“Grandfather, thank you for letting Clara stay with us,” Heidi said. “It means so much to me.”
Grandfather smiled and nodded. “It’s good to have you both here. The mountains have a way of healing and bringing peace.”
- Adjust - to adapt to new conditions (ปรับตัว)
- Renowned - known or talked about by many people; famous (มีชื่อเสียง)
- Energize - to give vitality and enthusiasm to (ให้พลังงาน)
- Environment - the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives (สิ่งแวดล้อม)
- Hesitant - uncertain or unwilling to make a decision (ลังเล)
- Supervision - the action of overseeing something (การควบคุมดูแล)
- Majestic - having or showing impressive beauty (สง่างาม)
- Lush - growing thickly and healthily (เขียวชอุ่ม)
- Rustic - relating to the countryside; simple and plain (ชนบท)
- Bask - to lie or relax in a pleasant warmth (อาบแดด)
- Remarkably - in a way that is worthy of attention (อย่างโดดเด่น)
- Immediate - occurring or done at once; instant (ทันที)
- Anxious - feeling worried or nervous (กังวล)
- Gratitude - the quality of being thankful (ความกตัญญู)
- Precious - of great value; not to be wasted (มีค่า)
- Predictability - the quality of being regarded as likely to happen (ความแน่นอน)
- Comfort - a state of physical ease (ความสะดวกสบาย)
- Healing - the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again (การรักษา)
- Vitality - the state of being strong and active; energy (พลังชีวิต)
- Twinkle - to shine with a flickering or sparkling light (ระยิบระยับ)
Questions for Part 8
Comprehension Questions:
- Who is Dr. Classen, and why does he come to the Sesemann house?
- What suggestion does Dr. Classen make to Mr. Sesemann regarding Clara’s health?
- How does Clara react when she hears about the trip to the mountains?
- What concerns does Miss Rottenmeier have about the journey to the mountains?
- How does Clara’s health change after arriving in the mountains?
Discussion Questions:
- Why do you think Dr. Classen believes that the mountains will help Clara’s health?
- How does the change in environment affect Clara’s mood and well-being?
- What do you think are the biggest challenges for Clara and Miss Rottenmeier in adjusting to mountain life?
- How does Heidi’s presence continue to influence Clara’s recovery?
- What does Grandfather’s acceptance of Clara tell you about his character?
Part 9: Clara's Courageous Steps
As the days turned into weeks, Clara’s health continued to improve. She spent most of her time outdoors with Heidi, exploring the beautiful meadows, picking wildflowers, and watching the goats. The fresh mountain air and the joy of being in nature had a magical effect on her.
One day, while sitting outside the cabin, Clara turned to Heidi with a determined look in her eyes. “Heidi, I want to try to walk. I feel so much stronger here, and I believe I can do it.”
Heidi’s heart filled with excitement and hope. “Oh, Clara, that’s wonderful! We can start slowly, and I’ll be here to help you every step of the way.”
Clara nodded, feeling encouraged by Heidi’s enthusiasm. They decided to begin the next morning. Grandfather, who had been listening, offered to help as well. “We’ll take it one step at a time, Clara. You’ve already come so far.”
The next morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the air was crisp and fresh. Heidi and Grandfather helped Clara out of her chair. She stood, a bit unsteady at first, but determined. With Heidi on one side and Grandfather on the other, Clara took her first step.
It was slow and shaky, but it was a step. Clara’s face lit up with joy. “I did it! I really did it!” she exclaimed.
Heidi and Grandfather beamed with pride. “Yes, you did, Clara! Let’s keep going,” Heidi said, her voice full of encouragement.
Each day, Clara practiced walking a little more. The goats seemed to understand what was happening and often gathered around, as if to cheer her on. Peter also joined in, offering support and sharing in the excitement of Clara’s progress.
Miss Rottenmeier, who had initially been skeptical about the trip to the mountains, was amazed by Clara’s improvement. She began to soften, seeing how happy and healthy Clara was becoming. “This mountain air truly is magical,” she admitted one evening to Grandfather.
Grandfather smiled. “The mountains have a way of healing the body and soul. I’m glad Clara is benefiting from it.”
One afternoon, as Clara was taking her daily walk, she suddenly stopped and looked up at the path leading higher into the mountains. “Heidi, do you think I could walk up there someday?” she asked, pointing to a gentle slope covered in wildflowers.
Heidi’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “I believe you can, Clara. Let’s set that as our goal.”
Over the next few weeks, Clara’s strength and confidence grew. She was now able to walk short distances without help. The day finally came when she felt ready to attempt the walk up the gentle slope.
The entire household came to watch, filled with anticipation. Heidi, Grandfather, Peter, and even Miss Rottenmeier stood nearby, ready to support Clara. With a deep breath, Clara took her first step up the slope.
Step by step, she made her way up, the wildflowers brushing against her legs. Her determination was unwavering, and the encouragement from her friends gave her strength. As she reached the top of the slope, she turned to look back at everyone, her face glowing with triumph.
“I did it! I really did it!” Clara shouted, her voice echoing across the mountains.
Heidi ran up to her and hugged her tightly. “I knew you could do it, Clara! I’m so proud of you!”
Everyone clapped and cheered, tears of joy in their eyes. Grandfather nodded approvingly. “You’ve shown great courage, Clara. The mountains have made you strong.”
Miss Rottenmeier, who rarely showed emotion, wiped a tear from her eye. “You’ve come a long way, Clara. I’m proud of you.”
Clara smiled, feeling a deep sense of accomplishment. She looked around at the beautiful mountains, the wildflowers, and her friends who had supported her every step of the way. She knew that this moment would stay with her forever.
As they made their way back to the cabin, Clara felt a new sense of hope and possibility. She knew that with determination and the support of her friends, she could overcome any challenge.
That evening, as the sun set behind the mountains, Clara and Heidi sat together outside the cabin, watching the sky turn brilliant shades of pink and orange. They talked about their plans for the future, dreaming of more adventures and the many things they would do together.
- Improve - to make or become better (ปรับปรุง)
- Determine - having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it (ตั้งใจแน่วแน่)
- Encouraged - given support, confidence, or hope (ให้กำลังใจ)
- Unsteady - not stable, not firm (ไม่มั่นคง)
- Pride - a feeling of deep pleasure from one's achievements (ความภูมิใจ)
- Punctual - happening or doing something at the agreed or proper time (ตรงต่อเวลา)
- Skeptical - not easily convinced; having doubts (สงสัย)
- Magical - wonderful, exciting, and special (วิเศษ)
- Healing - the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again (การรักษา)
- Unwavering - steady or resolute; not wavering (แน่วแน่)
- Triumph - a great victory or achievement (ชัยชนะ)
- Accomplishment - something that has been achieved successfully (ความสำเร็จ)
- Possibility - a thing that may happen or be the case (ความเป็นไปได้)
- Determination - firmness of purpose; resoluteness (ความมุ่งมั่น)
- Milestone - a significant stage or event in the development of something (จุดสำคัญ)
- Support - to give assistance to (สนับสนุน)
- Gratitude - the quality of being thankful (ความกตัญญู)
- Encouragement - the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope (การให้กำลังใจ)
- Achievement - a thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage (ความสำเร็จ)
- Confidence - the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something (ความมั่นใจ)
Questions for Part 9
Comprehension Questions:
- What decision does Clara make about her health in this part of the story?
- Who helps Clara as she takes her first steps?
- How do the goats and Peter react to Clara’s progress?
- What does Miss Rottenmeier begin to admit about the mountain air?
- What goal does Clara set for herself, and how does she achieve it?
Discussion Questions:
- Why do you think the fresh mountain air and nature help Clara’s health so much?
- How does Clara’s determination to walk inspire the people around her?
- In what ways do Heidi’s encouragement and support play a role in Clara’s recovery?
- How does Miss Rottenmeier’s attitude change throughout this part of the story?
- What can we learn from Clara’s journey about overcoming challenges and believing in oneself?
Part 10: The Return Home
As the summer continued, Clara’s health improved significantly. She could walk longer distances each day and spent most of her time exploring the mountains with Heidi, Peter, and the goats. Clara’s transformation amazed everyone, especially Miss Rottenmeier, who now fully embraced the magic of the mountains.
One morning, a letter arrived from Mr. Sesemann. He wrote that he missed Clara dearly and wanted to visit her in the mountains. He also wanted to see for himself the place that had brought such a remarkable change in his daughter.
Clara was thrilled at the news. “Oh, Heidi, my father is coming! I can’t wait to show him how strong I’ve become.”
Heidi smiled, happy for her friend. “He will be so proud of you, Clara.”
When Mr. Sesemann arrived, he was overjoyed to see Clara walking and looking so healthy. He hugged her tightly, tears of happiness in his eyes. “Clara, I can’t believe how well you look. The mountains have truly worked wonders.”
Clara beamed. “It’s all thanks to Heidi, Grandfather, and the fresh mountain air.”
Mr. Sesemann turned to Heidi and Grandfather. “Thank you both for taking such good care of Clara. I can never repay you for what you’ve done.”
Grandfather nodded modestly. “We’re just happy to see Clara healthy and happy.”
During his visit, Mr. Sesemann enjoyed the beauty of the mountains and the simplicity of life there. He understood why Clara and Heidi loved it so much. He spent time talking with Grandfather and even helped Peter with the goats.
However, as the end of summer approached, it was time for Clara to return to Frankfurt. The thought of leaving the mountains made her sad, but she knew she had to go back to her old life.
The day before their departure, Clara, Heidi, and the others gathered outside the cabin for a farewell picnic. They enjoyed fresh goat cheese, bread, and berries. Laughter filled the air as they shared their favorite memories of the summer.
Clara turned to Heidi, her eyes glistening with tears. “Heidi, thank you for everything. You’ve changed my life. I will never forget this summer.”
Heidi hugged Clara tightly. “And I will never forget you, Clara. We will always be friends, no matter where we are.”
Mr. Sesemann approached Grandfather. “I want to extend an invitation. Heidi is welcome to visit us in Frankfurt anytime. Clara would love to have her as a guest.”
Grandfather smiled. “Thank you, Mr. Sesemann. I’m sure Heidi would like that.”
The next morning, the time had come for Clara and Mr. Sesemann to leave. As the carriage pulled away, Clara waved goodbye, tears streaming down her face. Heidi and Grandfather waved back, feeling a mix of sadness and gratitude.
The journey back to Frankfurt was long, but Clara felt stronger and more confident than ever. She knew she had a piece of the mountains in her heart, and that gave her comfort.
Back in Frankfurt, Clara resumed her studies and daily routines. She stayed in touch with Heidi through letters, sharing stories and keeping their friendship alive. Clara’s health remained strong, and she often spoke of returning to the mountains one day.
Heidi, meanwhile, continued to live happily in the mountains with her grandfather. She missed Clara but cherished the memories of their time together. She knew that their friendship would last a lifetime.
As the seasons changed and the first snowflakes began to fall, Heidi stood outside the cabin, looking at the mountains. She felt a deep sense of peace and contentment. The mountains were her home, and she was surrounded by love and beauty.
And so, life continued in the mountains and in Frankfurt, forever connected by the bond of friendship that had brought two girls together and changed their lives forever.
- Remarkable - worthy of attention; extraordinary (น่าทึ่ง)
- Transformation - a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance (การเปลี่ยนแปลง)
- Overjoyed - extremely happy (ดีใจมาก)
- Modestly - in an unassuming manner; without boasting (อย่างถ่อมตัว)
- Simplicity - the quality of being easy to understand or do (ความเรียบง่าย)
- Departure - the action of leaving, especially to start a journey (การออกเดินทาง)
- Farewell - an act of parting or of marking someone's departure (อำลา)
- Extend - to offer or make available (ยื่นข้อเสนอ)
- Gratitude - the quality of being thankful (ความกตัญญู)
- Contentment - a state of happiness and satisfaction (ความพอใจ)
- Bond - a strong connection or relationship (ความผูกพัน)
- Routine - a regular way of doing things (กิจวัตร)
- Confidence - the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something (ความมั่นใจ)
- Cherish - to hold something dear (หวงแหน)
- Friendship - the state of being friends (มิตรภาพ)
- Comfort - a state of physical ease and freedom from pain (ความสะดวกสบาย)
- Seasons - divisions of the year marked by changes in weather (ฤดูกาล)
- Peace - a state of tranquility or quiet (ความสงบ)
- Contentment - a state of happiness and satisfaction (ความพอใจ)
- Invitation - a written or verbal request inviting someone to go somewhere or to do something (คำเชิญ)
Questions for Part 10
Comprehension Questions:
- What news does the letter from Mr. Sesemann bring?
- How does Mr. Sesemann react when he sees Clara walking and healthy?
- What activities does Mr. Sesemann enjoy during his visit to the mountains?
- Why does Clara have to return to Frankfurt at the end of the summer?
- How do Clara and Heidi plan to keep in touch after Clara returns to Frankfurt?
Discussion Questions:
- How has Clara changed since coming to the mountains, both physically and emotionally?
- Why do you think Mr. Sesemann offers to have Heidi visit them in Frankfurt?
- What do you think are the key factors that contributed to Clara’s remarkable improvement?
- How does the friendship between Heidi and Clara demonstrate the importance of support and encouragement?
- In what ways do the mountains and the simplicity of life there affect the characters in the story?
The End
Original Text