Idioms 1

Here are five common English idioms along with example sentences and brief explanations to help you understand their meanings and usage.

Idioms 1
Photo by Brusk Dede / Unsplash
Idioms 01
  1. Break a leg: Good luck! Example: "I have a job interview today." Response: "Break a leg!"
    Explanation: This idiom is often used to wish someone good luck, especially before a performance or a significant event. It is believed to have originated in the theater world, where saying "good luck" is considered bad luck, so actors say "break a leg" instead.

  2. Bite the bullet: Face a difficult or unpleasant situation with courage. Example: "I have to tell my boss about the mistake I made. It's going to be tough, but I need to bite the bullet and confess."
    Explanation: This idiom suggests that one should confront a challenging or uncomfortable situation head-on, despite the difficulty involved.

  3. Cost an arm and a leg: Be very expensive. Example: "That luxury car must have cost him an arm and a leg!"
    Explanation: This idiom is used to emphasize that something is excessively expensive, often implying that the price is unreasonably high.

  4. Hit the nail on the head: Accurately identify or solve a problem. Example: "Sarah's analysis of the issue hit the nail on the head. She knew exactly what went wrong."
    Explanation: When someone "hits the nail on the head," it means they have pinpointed the exact cause or solution of a problem.

  5. Let the cat out of the bag: Reveal a secret. Example: "I wasn't supposed to know about the surprise party, but Sarah accidentally let the cat out of the bag."
    Explanation: This idiom means to accidentally or intentionally disclose information that was supposed to be kept a secret. It often refers to revealing something prematurely or before the intended time.