Introducing a Friend

Introducing a Friend
Photo by Bundo Kim / Unsplash

Instructions: Introduce a friend to another friend. You can use the examples below to help create your dialogue but be sure to change them. Everyone should speak at least three times. Use formal or informal language based on the context.

You can read from your notes but will loses some points.
Mostly memorized -1, Read well -2, Read poorly -3

Of course! Here are the shorter versions of the conversations:

At a Friend's House


  • Host: Anna
  • Guest 1: Ben
  • Guest 2: Lisa

Anna: Hi Ben, hi Lisa! Welcome to my place.

Ben: Hi Anna! Thanks for having us. Have you met Lisa?

Anna: No, nice to meet you, Lisa.

Lisa: Hi Anna! It’s great to be here.

Anna: Can I get you something to drink?

Ben: Water would be great, thanks.

Lisa: Coke for me, please.

Anna: Sure thing! How was your day?

Ben: Busy but good. How about yours, Lisa?

Lisa: Busy too. Thanks for inviting us, Anna.

At an Office


  • Employee A: John
  • Employee B: Maria
  • New Employee: David

John: Hi Maria, have you met David?

Maria: No, I haven’t. Hi David, nice to meet you!

David: Hi Maria, nice to meet you too!

John: David just joined marketing.

Maria: Welcome to the team! How are you settling in?

David: Thanks! Everyone’s been really helpful.

John: Glad to hear it. If you need anything, just ask.

Maria: Absolutely. We’re here to help.

David: I appreciate it. Looking forward to working with you both.

At a University


  • Student A: Sarah
  • Student B: Mike
  • Student C: Emily

Sarah: Hey Mike, meet my friend Emily.

Mike: Hi Emily! Nice to meet you.

Emily: Hi Mike! Nice to meet you too.

Sarah: Emily's in Computer Science.

Mike: Really? Me too! We should work together sometime.

Emily: That sounds great!

Sarah: Emily also likes basketball.

Mike: Awesome! Join us for practice sometime.

Emily: I'd love that, thanks!