Max and Koda (L3)

Max and Koda (L3)
Photo by David Clode / Unsplash

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Max who lived on a small island off the coast of Indonesia. Max was a curious and adventurous child, always exploring the rugged terrain of his island home. One day, while exploring a dense jungle, Max stumbled upon a baby Komodo dragon.


The tiny dragon was injured and alone, so Max took him home and nursed him back to health. Max and the Komodo dragon, whom he named Koda, quickly became inseparable friends. Koda grew rapidly and soon became a towering reptilian beast, but Max was never afraid of him.

Together, Max and Koda had many wild adventures. They swam in crystal-clear lagoons, climbed rocky cliffs, and explored hidden caves. Max even taught Koda how to play fetch with a stick!

But Max's idyllic life on the island was not to last. One day, a group of hunters arrived on the island, seeking to capture and sell rare and exotic animals. Max knew that Koda would be a prime target for the hunters, so he hid him away in a secret cave.

Max was determined to protect his beloved pet, so he hatched a daring plan. He would lead the hunters on a wild goose chase across the island, buying enough time for Koda to escape to safety. Max knew it was a risky move, but he was willing to do anything to save his friend.

The hunters pursued Max across the island, but he proved to be an elusive target. Meanwhile, Koda made his way through the dense jungle, using his powerful claws to cut through vines and underbrush. Finally, after a harrowing journey, Koda reached the safety of a wildlife sanctuary.

Max returned home exhausted but triumphant. Although he had lost his pet Komodo dragon, he knew that Koda was now safe and free. Max had learned an important lesson about the power of friendship and the lengths to which he was willing to go to protect those he loved. And who knows? Maybe someday, he would find another wild creature in need of his care and companionship.

Breaking it Down
Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Max who lived on a small island off the coast of Indonesia. Max was a curious and adventurous child, always exploring the rugged terrain of his island home. One day, while exploring a dense jungle, Max stumbled upon a baby Komodo dragon. - Érase una vez un niño llamado Max que vivía en una pequeña isla frente a la costa de Indonesia. Max era un niño curioso y aventurero, siempre explorando el terreno accidentado de su isla natal. Un día, mientras exploraba una densa jungla, Max se topó con un bebé dragón de Komodo. The tiny dragon was injured and alone, so Max took him home and nursed him back to health. Max and the Komodo dragon, whom he named Koda, quickly became inseparable friends. Koda grew rapidly and soon became a towering reptilian beast, but Max was never afraid of him. - El pequeño dragón estaba herido y solo, por lo que Max lo llevó a casa y lo cuidó hasta que recuperó la salud. Max y el dragón de Komodo, a quien llamó Koda, rápidamente se hicieron amigos inseparables. Koda creció rápidamente y pronto se convirtió en una imponente bestia reptil, pero Max nunca le tuvo miedo. Together, Max and Koda had many wild adventures. They swam in crystal-clear lagoons, climbed rocky cliffs, and explored hidden caves. Max even taught Koda how to play fetch with a stick! - Juntos, Max y Koda vivieron muchas aventuras salvajes. Nadaron en lagunas cristalinas, escalaron acantilados rocosos y exploraron cuevas escondidas. ¡Max incluso le enseñó a Koda cómo jugar a buscar con un palo! But Max's idyllic life on the island was not to last. One day, a group of hunters arrived on the island, seeking to capture and sell rare and exotic animals. Max knew that Koda would be a prime target for the hunters, so he hid him away in a secret cave. - Pero la vida idílica de Max en la isla no iba a durar. Un día, un grupo de cazadores llegó a la isla buscando capturar y vender animales raros y exóticos. Max sabía que Koda sería un objetivo principal para los cazadores, por lo que lo escondió en una cueva secreta. Max was determined to protect his beloved pet, so he hatched a daring plan. He would lead the hunters on a wild goose chase across the island, buying enough time for Koda to escape to safety. Max knew it was a risky move, but he was willing to do anything to save his friend. - Max estaba decidido a proteger a su amada mascota, por lo que ideó un plan atrevido. Lideraría a los cazadores en una búsqueda inútil por toda la isla, ganando tiempo suficiente para que Koda escapara a un lugar seguro. Max sabía que era un movimiento arriesgado, pero estaba dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa para salvar a su amigo. The hunters pursued Max across the island, but he proved to be an elusive target. Meanwhile, Koda made his way through the dense jungle, using his powerful claws to cut through vines and underbrush. Finally, after a harrowing journey, Koda reached the safety of a wildlife sanctuary. - Los cazadores persiguieron a Max por toda la isla, pero resultó ser un objetivo difícil de alcanzar. Mientras tanto, Koda se abrió paso a través de la densa jungla, usando sus poderosas garras para cortar enredaderas y maleza. Finalmente, después de un viaje angustioso, Koda llegó a la seguridad de un santuario de vida silvestre. Max returned home exhausted but triumphant. Although he had lost his pet Komodo dragon, he knew that Koda was now safe and free. Max had learned an important lesson about the power of friendship and the lengths to which he was willing to go to protect those he loved. And who knows? Maybe someday, he would find another wild creature in need of his care and companionship. - Max regresó a casa exhausto pero triunfante. Aunque había perdido a su mascota, el dragón de Komodo, sabía que Koda ahora estaba a salvo y libre. Max había aprendido una lección importante sobre el poder de la amistad y hasta dónde estaba dispuesto a llegar para proteger a sus seres queridos. ¿Y quien sabe? Tal vez algún día encontraría otra criatura salvaje que necesitara su cuidado y compañía.
once upon a time - érase una vez coast - costa curious - curioso adventurous - aventurero exploring - explorando dense - denso stumbled upon - se encontró con injured - herido nursed him back to health - lo cuidó hasta que se recuperó inseparable - inseparables towering - imponente reptilian - reptiliano beast - bestia swam - nadaron crystal-clear - cristalino cliffs - acantilados caves - cuevas fetch - buscar idyllic - idílico hunters - cazadores capture - capturar sell - vender rare - raro exotic - exótico hid - escondió secret - secreto protect - proteger hatched a daring plan - ideó un plan atrevido wild goose chase - búsqueda infructuosa pursued - persiguieron elusive - escurridizo claws - garras vines - enredaderas underbrush - maleza harrowing - angustioso sanctuary - santuario exhausted - agotado triumphant - triunfante
Matching Game once upon a time - érase una vez coast - costa curious - curioso adventurous - aventurero exploring - explorando dense - denso stumbled upon - se encontró con injured - herido nursed him back to health - lo cuidó hasta que se recuperó inseparable - inseparables towering - imponente reptilian - reptiliano beast - bestia swam - nadaron crystal-clear - cristalino cliffs - acantilados caves - cuevas fetch - buscar idyllic - idílico hunters - cazadores capture - capturar sell - vender rare - raro exotic - exótico hid - escondió secret - secreto protect - proteger hatched a daring plan - ideó un plan atrevido wild goose chase - búsqueda infructuosa pursued - persiguieron elusive - escurridizo claws - garras vines - enredaderas underbrush - maleza harrowing - angustioso sanctuary - santuario exhausted - agotado triumphant - triunfante