Moving to Canada (L1)

Moving to Canada (L1)
Photo by Ali Tawfiq / Unsplash

Tom: Hi Steffan! I heard you’re moving to Canada.
Steffan: Yes, I am. I’m excited to start a new life there.
Tom: That’s great! What made you decide to move?
Steffan: Well, Canada has a good economy and it’s a beautiful country. Plus, I have some family there.
Tom: That sounds like a good reason. Good luck with your move!
Steffan: Thanks Tom!

Cloze Exercise Tom: Hi Steffan! I heard you’re *moving* to Canada. Steffan: Yes, I am. I’m excited to start a new *life* there. Tom: That’s great! What made you *decide* to move? Steffan: Well, Canada has a good economy and it’s a beautiful country. Plus, I have some *family* there. Tom: That sounds like a good reason. Good luck with your move! Steffan: *Thanks* Tom!