Possessive Adjective Pronouns

Possessive adjective pronouns modify nouns and show ownership or relationship. They always come before a noun.


  • My book
  • Your car
  • His house
  • Her dress
  • Its tail
  • Our project
  • Their team


  • Use possessive adjectives to indicate that something belongs to someone or something.
  • Example: "This is my pen." (shows that the pen belongs to the speaker)

Possessive Pronouns

Possessive pronouns replace nouns to avoid repetition and also show ownership or relationship. They stand alone and do not come before a noun.


  • Mine
  • Yours
  • His
  • Hers
  • Its (rarely used as a possessive pronoun)
  • Ours
  • Theirs


  • Use possessive pronouns to replace a noun and show possession without repeating the noun.
  • Example: "This pen is mine." (instead of saying "This is my pen")

Comparison Examples:

Possessive Adjective Pronoun:

  • This is my coat.
  • Is that your dog?

Possessive Pronoun:

  • This coat is mine.
  • Is that dog yours?


  • Possessive adjectives always need a noun: my book, your house.
  • Possessive pronouns do not need a noun: mine, yours.