Cats in the Navy

Cats in the Navy
Photo by Manja Vitolic / Unsplash

Easier Version:

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The article below tells the story of cats who were part of the crew on warships. These cats were not just pets, but also helped keep the ship free of mice and rats. They were also considered good luck by sailors. The article describes how these cats were treated as part of the crew and even given their own uniforms and hammocks.
article crew warships pets ship mice rats considered luck sailors treated uniforms hammomocks

Harder Version:

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The article explores the role of cats in naval warfare and how they were treated as part of the crew. The author argues that these cats played an important role in naval history and should be remembered for their contributions.

The article describes how cats were often kept on board ships to control the rodent population, which was a serious problem at sea. The author notes that cats were particularly well-suited to this task because of their hunting instincts and their ability to navigate in small spaces.

The article also discusses how cats were treated by sailors. Cats were often considered good luck and were given special treatment by the crew. They were given their own uniforms and hammocks, and were even allowed to eat from the captain’s table. The author argues that this treatment reflects the important role that cats played in the lives of sailors and in naval history more broadly.
role cats naval warfare treated crew important contributions control rodent population serious problem sea hunting instincts navigate small spaces sailors good luck special treatment uniforms hammocks captain's table reflects lives naval history broader

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