Ned Lives Under My Bed
This is a story about a boy who is friends with a monster that lives under his bed. It can be used to practice the vowel Sound / ɛ / as in "bed."

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Fred. Fred had a secret friend who lived under his bed. His name was Ned and he was a monster. But Ned wasn't a scary monster. He was a friendly monster who loved to play with Fred.
Every night, when Fred went to bed, he would whisper to Ned and tell him all about his day. Ned would listen carefully and then they would play games until Fred fell asleep.
One day, Fred's mom came into his room to tuck him in. She heard him talking and asked him who he was talking to. Fred told her all about Ned and how they were best friends.
Fred's mom smiled and said that it was okay to have an imaginary friend. She kissed him goodnight and left the room.
Fred smiled and whispered to Ned, "See, I told you she wouldn't be mad."
And with that, they played until Fred fell asleep.
The end.