Sara and Mary (L1)

Sara and Mary (L1)
Photo by Vince Fleming / Unsplash
The last night of a two week stay on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii.
Photo by Sean Oulashin / Unsplash

Dialogue 1: Planning a weekend trip
Introduction: Mary and Sara are discussing their plans for the weekend.

Mary: Hey Sara, do you have any plans for the weekend?
Sara: Not really. Why do you ask?
Mary: I was thinking of going on a trip to the beach. Would you like to come with me?
Sara: That sounds like fun! What should we bring?
Mary: We'll need sunscreen, towels, and swimsuits. And don't forget your sunglasses!
Sara: Great! I can't wait.

Listen Line-by-Line
Dialogue 1: Planning a weekend trip Introduction: Mary and Sara are discussing their plans for the weekend. Mary: Hey Sara, do you have any plans for the weekend? Sara: Not really. Why do you ask? Mary: I was thinking of going on a trip to the beach. Would you like to come with me? Sara: That sounds like fun! What should we bring? Mary: We'll need sunscreen, towels, and swimsuits. And don't forget your sunglasses! Sara: Great! I can't wait.
Sara mary 01

Dialogue 1: Planning a weekend trip
Introduction: Mary and Sara are discussing their plans for the weekend.

Mary: Hey Sara, do you have any plans for the weekend?

Sara: Not really. Why do you ask?

Mary: I was thinking of going on a trip to the beach. Would you like to come with me?

Sara: That sounds like fun! What should we bring?

Mary: We'll need sunscreen, towels, and swimsuits. And don't forget your sunglasses!

Sara: Great! I can't wait.

  1. Planning - the process of making plans for something (การวางแผน)
  2. Weekend- the days of the week that include Saturday and Sunday (วันสุดสัปดาห์)
  3. Trip - a journey or excursion, especially for pleasure. (การเดินทาง)
  4. Beach - a sandy or pebbled shore, especially by the ocean between high- and low-water marks (ชายหาด)
  5. Sunscreen - a cream or lotion that is designed to protect the skin from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. (ครีมกันแดด)
  6. Towels - a piece of absorbent cloth or paper used for drying or wiping. (ผ้าขนหนู)
  7. Swimsuits - a type of clothing people wear in the water. (ชุดว่ายน้ำ)
  8. Sunglasses - lenses or glasses that help protect the eyes from the sun. (แว่นกันแดด)
Photo by Ben Mullins / Unsplash

Dialogue 2: Studying for an exam
Introduction: Mary and Sara are studying for an upcoming exam.

Sara: This exam is going to be tough.
Mary: Yeah, I know. But we can do it if we study together.
Sara: Do you have any tips for remembering all this information?
Mary: I like to make flashcards and quiz myself. It helps me remember things better.
Sara: That's a good idea. Let's make some flashcards together.

Listen Line-by-Line
Sara: This exam is going to be tough. Mary: Yeah, I know. But we can do it if we study together. Sara: Do you have any tips for remembering all this information? Mary: I like to make flashcards and quiz myself. It helps me remember things better. Sara: That's a good idea. Let's make some flashcards together.
Sara mary 02

Dialogue 2: Studying for an exam
Introduction: Mary and Sara are studying for an upcoming exam.

Sara: This exam is going to be tough.

Mary: Yeah, I know. But we can do it if we study together.

Sara: Do you have any tips for remembering all this information?

Mary: I like to make flashcards and quiz myself. It helps me remember things better.

Sara: That's a good idea. Let's make some flashcards together.

  1. Studying - the process of learning or revising a subject or skill, especially in preparation for an exam. (การเรียน)
  2. Exam - a formal test of a person's knowledge or proficiency in a subject or skill. (การสอบ)
  3. Tough - difficult and requiring a lot of effort or determination. (ยาก)
  4. Tips - a piece of advice or useful information.(เคล็ดลับ)
  5. Remembering - the ability to recall information from memory. (การจำ)
  6. Flashcards - small cards with information or pictures on them used for studying or memorizing. (ไพ่ชุดป้าย)
  7. Quiz - a test of knowledge or skill in which answers are written down, usually in a short or limited time. (การทดสอบ)
  8. Together - with or in proximity to another person(s). (ด้วยกัน)
Photo by Blaz Photo / Unsplash

Dialogue 3: Talking about hobbies
Introduction: Mary and Sara are discussing their hobbies.

Mary: So Sara, what do you like to do in your free time?
Sara: I enjoy reading books and painting.
Mary: That's cool. What kind of books do you like to read?
Sara: Mostly fiction. I love getting lost in a good story.
Mary: Me too! Have you read any good books lately?

Listen Line-by-Line
Mary: So Sara, what do you like to do in your free time? Sara: I enjoy reading books and painting. Mary: That's cool. What kind of books do you like to read? Sara: Mostly fiction. I love getting lost in a good story. Mary: Me too! Have you read any good books lately?
Sara mary 03

Dialogue 3: Talking about hobbies
Introduction: Mary and Sara are discussing their hobbies.

Mary: So Sara, what do you like to do in your free time?

Sara: I enjoy reading books and painting.

Mary: That's cool. What kind of books do you like to read?

Sara: Mostly fiction. I love getting lost in a good story.

Mary: Me too! Have you read any good books lately?

  1. Hobbies - activities that a person does for pleasure during their free time. (งานอดิเรก)
  2. Free time - time that is not filled with work, obligations, or other activities which must be done. (เวลาว่าง)
  3. Reading - looking at and comprehending the meaning of written or printed matter. (การอ่าน)
  4. Books - written or printed works consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers. (หนังสือ)
  5. Painting - creating an image on a surface using paint. (การวาดรูป)
  6. Fiction - literature that describes imaginary events and people (นวนิยาย)
  7. Story - an account of past events, real or imaginary, which are communicated in a way that entertains or informs. (เรื่องราว)
  8. Good - of a high quality or standard. (ดี)

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