Setting Up Ground Rules

Setting Up Ground Rules
Photo by Ashley Whitlatch / Unsplash

Here are some questions that students can ask each other to set up ground rules as roommates:

  1. Daily Routines
    • What time do you usually wake up and go to bed?
    • Do you have a specific morning or evening routine?
  2. Quiet Hours
    • What hours do you prefer to have quiet time?
    • Do you need complete silence for studying or sleeping at specific times?
  3. Cleaning Responsibilities
    • How do you feel about sharing cleaning duties?
    • Do you prefer a cleaning schedule or a flexible approach?
  4. Visitors
    • How often do you expect to have guests over?
    • Are there any rules about having friends or partners over?
  5. Personal Space and Belongings
    • How do you feel about sharing personal items like kitchen utensils, food, or toiletries?
    • Are there any items that are off-limits?
  6. Rent and Bills
    • How should we handle paying rent and utility bills?
    • Are you comfortable with splitting costs evenly, or do you prefer another arrangement?
  7. Conflict Resolution
    • How do you prefer to address conflicts or issues that arise?
    • Do you have any strategies for resolving disagreements?

Example Rules

    • Quiet time: 10 PM to 7 AM.
    • No loud music/TV after 10 PM on weekdays.
    • Be silent in common areas during exams.
    • Weekly cleaning schedule for common areas.
    • Inform roommates about guests.
    • Clean and return shared items right after using them.
    • Split rent and bills equally.
    • Have monthly meetings for issues.