Spot's Cot

A short story about a dog named Spot who finds a smelly cot. Vowel Sound / ɒ /

Spot's Cot

Once upon a time, there was a little dog named Spot. Spot loved to play in the fields and chase after the butterflies. One day, while playing in the fields, Spot found a cot. It was old and worn out, but Spot thought it would make a great bed. So he dragged it back to his little house and settled down for a nap.

But when Spot woke up, he realized that something was not right. The cot had started to rot and it smelled terrible. Spot fought hard to get rid of the smell, but nothing worked. He tried mopping the floor and even planting a crop of flowers around his house, but the smell just wouldn’t go away.

Finally, Spot decided that it was time to say goodbye to the old cot. He dragged it back to the fields and left it there. And from then on, Spot slept on a soft bed of grass and flowers, and he never had to worry about bad smells again.

Spot - a small area of color or light Cot - a small bed, often portable Not - used to express negation or refusal Rot - to decay or decompose Fought - past tense of fight; to struggle against something Mop - a tool for cleaning floors Crop - a plant grown for food or other use Field - an open area of land Butterfly - an insect with large, colorful wings Drag - to pull something along the ground Nap - a short sleep Smell - the sense by which odors are perceived
Cloze Exercise Once upon a time, there was a little dog named *Spot*. Spot loved to play in the fields and chase after the butterflies. One day, while playing in the fields, Spot found a *cot*. It was old and worn out, but Spot thought it would make a great bed. So he dragged it back to his little house and settled down for a *nap*. But when Spot woke up, he realized that something was not right. The cot had started to *rot* and it smelled terrible. Spot fought hard to get rid of the smell, but nothing worked. He tried mopping the floor and even planting a crop of *flowers* around his house, but the smell just wouldn’t go away. Finally, Spot decided that it was time to say *goodbye* to the old cot. He dragged it back to the *fields* and left it there. And from then on, Spot slept on a soft bed of grass and flowers, and he never had to worry about bad smells again.