Stress and Aging

Stress and Aging
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM / Unsplash
The article below talks about stress and aging. It turns out that stress-related aging can be reversed. This means that just because someone is experiencing stress-related aging, it doesn't mean that it's permanent. Our biological age is not the same as our chronological age. Biological age is determined by the state of our vital functions, and it is also called phenotypic age. This means that even if someone is a certain age, their body might be functioning like it's older or younger than that age. A recent study published in Cell Metabolism found that premature aging caused by high stress can be reversed after a period of recovery. Recovery time can vary from person to person. Depending on a person's epigenetic clocks (which are like biological clocks in our cells) and the type of affliction they're facing, recovery time can range from just a few days to several months.
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The article below talks about stress and aging. It turns out that stress-related aging can be reversed. This means that just because someone is experiencing stress-related aging, it doesn't mean that it's permanent. Our biological age is not the same as our chronological age. Biological age is determined by the state of our vital functions, and it is also called phenotypic age. This means that even if someone is a certain age, their body might be functioning like it's older or younger than that age. A recent study published in Cell Metabolism found that premature aging caused by high stress can be reversed after a period of recovery. Recovery time can vary from person to person. Depending on a person's epigenetic clocks (which are like biological clocks in our cells) and the type of affliction they're facing, recovery time can range from just a few days to several months.
stress aging related reversed age biological age chronological age permanent vital functions pheotypic age functioning published cell metabolism premature period recovery vary depending on epigenetic clocks cells affliction range from ... to ...
Stress and aging

Further Reading

Le vieillissement lié au stress est-il irréversible?
Il semblerait que non, mais le temps de récupération et sa qualité varie en fonction des individus et des situations auxquelles ils sont confrontés.