The Mystery Sound (L1) Part 1

The Mystery Sound (L1) Part 1
Photo by Josep Castells / Unsplash

Part 1:
It was a dark and stormy night. The wind was howling and the rain was pouring down. Maria was home alone and curled up on the couch, reading a book. Suddenly, she heard a strange sound. It sounded like someone was tapping on the window. She got up to investigate.

Maria: "Who’s there?"


Maria: "Hello? Is anybody there?"

She looked outside but couldn't see anyone. She went back inside and tried to forget about it, but the sound kept coming back. She was starting to get scared.

The mystery sound 01

Part 1:
It was a dark and stormy night. The wind was howling and the rain was pouring down. Maria was home alone and curled up on the couch, reading a book. Suddenly, she heard a strange sound. It sounded like someone was tapping on the window. She got up to investigate.

Maria: "Who’s there?"


Maria: "Hello? Is anybody there?"

She looked outside but couldn't see anyone. She went back inside and tried to forget about it, but the sound kept coming back. She was starting to get scared.

Listen Line-by-Line (Best with Edge)
Part 1: It was a dark and stormy night. The wind was howling and the rain was pouring down. Maria was home alone and curled up on the couch, reading a book. Suddenly, she heard a strange sound. It sounded like someone was tapping on the window. She got up to investigate. Maria: "Who’s there?" Silence. Maria: "Hello? Is anybody there?" She looked outside but couldn't see anyone. She went back inside and tried to forget about it, but the sound kept coming back. She was starting to get scared.
  1. stormy (ฝนตกหนัก) - having a lot of rain, wind, and thunder
  2. pouring (ฝนตกหนัก) - raining heavily
  3. investigate (สืบสวน) - to try to find out more information about something
  4. spooky (น่ากลัว) - scary or frightening in a way that makes you feel nervous or scared
  5. forget about (ลืม) - to stop thinking or worrying about something
Cloze Exercise Part 1: It was a dark and stormy *night*. The wind was howling and the *rain* was pouring down. Maria was home alone and curled up on the couch, reading a book. Suddenly, she heard a strange *sound*. It sounded like someone was tapping on the window. She got up to investigate. Maria: "Who’s there?" *Silence*. Maria: "Hello? Is *anybody* there?" She looked outside but couldn't see anyone. She went back inside and tried to *forget* about it, but the sound kept coming back. She was starting to get scared.