The New Boy

My name is Mia, and I live in a small town in Thailand. One day, a new boy came to our school.

The New Boy
Love story

Part 1: A New Student


  • Small town - เมืองเล็ก
  • Bright colors - สีสันสดใส
  • Green trees - ต้นไม้สีเขียว
  • Friends - เพื่อน
  • New boy - เด็กชายคนใหม่
  • Quiet - เงียบ
  • Serious - จริงจัง
  • Smile - ยิ้ม
  • Garden - สวน
  • Break time - เวลาพัก
  • Reading - อ่านหนังสือ
  • Animals - สัตว์
  • Pet - สัตว์เลี้ยง
  • Friendly - เป็นมิตร
  • Map - แผนที่
  • Lake - ทะเลสาบ
  • Picnic - ปิกนิก
  • Games - เกม
  • Team - ทีม
  • Dreams - ความฝัน
  • Future - อนาคต
  • Vet (Veterinarian) - สัตวแพทย์
  • Teacher - ครู
  • Sunset - พระอาทิตย์ตก
  • Jealous - อิจฉา
  • Homework - การบ้าน
  • Thai - ภาษาไทย
  • Old town - เมืองเก่า
  • Parents - พ่อแม่
  • Dog - สุนัข
  • Garden - สวน
  • Stars - ดาว

My name is Mia, and I live in a small town in Thailand. It's always warm and sunny here, and I love the bright colors of the flowers and the green trees. I go to school every day, and I have many friends. We like to play and laugh together.

One day, a new boy came to our school. His name is Dan. He is from another town, and his family moved here. At first, I did not like Dan. He was quiet and did not talk to anyone. He looked serious and never smiled. I thought he was strange.

In our school, we have a big garden. We can play there during our break time. One day, I saw Dan sitting alone under a tree. He was reading a book. I wanted to know what he was reading, so I walked to him.

"Hi, I'm Mia," I said. "What are you reading?"

Dan looked up and smiled a little. "Hi, Mia. I am reading a book about animals."

I love animals, so I sat down next to him. "I like animals too," I said. "Do you have a pet?"

Dan's face brightened. "Yes, I have a dog. His name is Max. He is very friendly."

We started talking about our pets and favorite animals. Dan told me many interesting things about his dog. He even showed me a picture of Max. I started to think that maybe Dan was not so bad after all.

The next day, during our break time, I saw Dan again in the garden. This time, he was not alone. Some other kids were talking to him. I felt a little jealous, but I also felt happy for him. Dan was making friends.

After school, I walked home with my best friend, Lily. I told her about Dan and how he loves animals. Lily said, "Maybe you can be friends with him. He seems nice."

I thought about it and decided to give it a try. The next day, I asked Dan if he wanted to sit with me and my friends during lunch. He said yes, and we all ate together. Dan told us funny stories about his old town, and we laughed a lot.

Day by day, Dan and I became friends. We played together, studied together, and talked about many things. I found out that Dan is very smart and kind. He helps me with my homework, and I help him with his Thai.

But even though we were friends, I still did not think of Dan as special. He was just another friend. Or so I thought.

Part 2: Growing Closer


  • Trip - การเดินทาง
  • Explore - สำรวจ
  • Picnic - ปิกนิก
  • Games - เกม
  • Group - กลุ่ม
  • Beautiful park - สวนสวย
  • Map - แผนที่
  • Favorite places - สถานที่โปรด
  • Secret spot - จุดลับ
  • Sunset - พระอาทิตย์ตก
  • Lake - ทะเลสาบ
  • Afternoon - ตอนบ่าย
  • Rest - พักผ่อน
  • Dreams - ความฝัน
  • Plans - แผน
  • Future - อนาคต
  • Vet (Veterinarian) - สัตวแพทย์
  • Teacher - ครู
  • Orange and pink sky - ท้องฟ้าสีส้มและชมพู
  • Peaceful - สงบสุข
  • Quiet - เงียบ
  • Feelings - ความรู้สึก
  • Heart - หัวใจ
  • Smile - ยิ้ม
  • Cheeks - แก้ม
  • Warm - อบอุ่น
  • Holding hands - จับมือ
  • Starry sky - ท้องฟ้าที่เต็มไปด้วยดาว
  • Grateful - ขอบคุณ
  • Adventures - การผจญภัย
  • Friendship - มิตรภาพ
  • Together - อยู่ด้วยกัน

One Saturday, our school organized a trip to a beautiful park outside our town. We were all excited. We could explore the park, have a picnic, and play games. When we arrived, the teachers told us to stay in groups. Dan and I ended up in the same group with Lily and a few other friends.

The park was huge, with big trees, colorful flowers, and a sparkling lake. We decided to walk to the lake first. Dan had a map, and he led the way. As we walked, Dan and I talked about our favorite places. I told him about a secret spot in my town where I like to watch the sunset. Dan said he loved sunsets too.

When we reached the lake, we sat down to have our picnic. Dan shared his snacks with everyone, and we all had a good time. After eating, we played games. Dan was really good at games and helped our team win many times. I was impressed by how fun he was.

Later in the afternoon, we all decided to rest under a big tree. Dan and I sat next to each other. We talked about our dreams and plans for the future. Dan said he wanted to become a vet because he loves animals. I told him I wanted to be a teacher. We both laughed, thinking about how different our dreams were but how nice it was to share them.

As the sun started to set, the sky turned orange and pink. It was beautiful. Dan and I walked to the edge of the lake to get a better view. We sat down and watched the colors change. It was quiet and peaceful. I felt happy and calm.

"Thank you for being my friend, Mia," Dan said suddenly. "You made my new school feel like home."

I smiled and replied, "Thank you for being my friend too, Dan. I'm glad you're here."

That moment made me see Dan differently. He was not just another friend. He was someone special. He was kind, funny, and caring. He understood me, and I understood him. I realized that I liked being with him more than anyone else.

After that day, Dan and I spent even more time together. We did our homework together, went on walks, and talked about everything. My feelings for Dan grew stronger. I found myself thinking about him all the time. I liked his smile, his laugh, and how he always made me feel better.

One evening, Dan invited me to his house. I was excited to meet his family and see Max, his dog. When I arrived, Dan's parents were very welcoming. Max was just as friendly as Dan had described. We played with Max and had a great time.

After dinner, Dan and I sat in his garden. The stars were shining brightly. Dan looked at me and said, "Mia, I have something to tell you."

My heart started to beat faster. "What is it, Dan?"

Dan took a deep breath and said, "I really like you, Mia. Not just as a friend. I like you a lot."

I felt my cheeks get warm. I smiled and replied, "I like you too, Dan. A lot."

Dan smiled back and held my hand. We sat there, holding hands, under the starry sky. I felt so happy. Dan was no longer just a boy I met at school. He was someone I cared about deeply. He was my best friend and someone I loved.

From that day on, Dan and I were together. We shared many more adventures and dreams. Our friendship grew into something beautiful, and I was grateful for every moment we spent together. I had found someone special in Dan, and I knew we would always be there for each other.