The Plane Crash (L2)

The Plane Crash (L2)
Photo by Daniel Eledut / Unsplash

Scene 1: The plane crash

Narrator: Tom, Sarah and Fred are passengers on a flight that has crashed in the ocean. They grab some life vests and jump out of the plane before it sinks.

Tom: (swimming frantically) Where are we? Is anyone else alive?

  • Sarah: (coughing) I'm here! I see you!
  • Fred: (waving) Me too! Over here!
  • Tom: Thank God! Come on, let's stick together and look for land!
  • Sarah: Do you think anyone will find us?
  • Fred: I don't know. But we have to stay hopeful.

Narrator: They float for hours until they spot a small island in the distance. They swim towards it with all their strength.

Listen Line-by-Line
Narrator: Tom, Sarah and Fred are passengers on a flight that has crashed in the ocean. They grab some life vests and jump out of the plane before it sinks. Tom: (swimming frantically) Where are we? Is anyone else alive? Sarah: (coughing) I'm here! I see you! Fred: (waving) Me too! Over here! Tom: Thank God! Come on, let's stick together and look for land! Sarah: Do you think anyone will find us? Fred: I don't know. But we have to stay hopeful. Narrator: They float for hours until they spot a small island in the distance. They swim towards it with all their strength.
Scene 1

Scene 1: The plane crash

Narrator: Tom, Sarah and Fred are passengers on a flight that has crashed in the ocean. They grab some life vests and jump out of the plane before it sinks.

Tom: (swimming frantically) Where are we? Is anyone else alive?

Sarah: (coughing) I'm here! I see you!

Fred: (waving) Me too! Over here!

Tom: Thank God! Come on, let's stick together and look for land!

Sarah: Do you think anyone will find us?

Fred: I don't know. But we have to stay hopeful.

Narrator: They float for hours until they spot a small island in the distance. They swim towards it with all their strength.

Scene 2: The island

Narrator: Tom, Sarah and Fred reach the shore of the island. They are exhausted and hungry. They look around and see nothing but trees and rocks.

  • Tom: Well, this is better than nothing.
  • Sarah: Barely. How are we going to survive here?
  • Fred: We have to find food, water and shelter.
  • Tom: Okay, let's split up and search the island. Maybe we'll find something useful.
  • Sarah: Be careful. We don't know what's out there.
  • Fred: Don't worry. We'll be back soon.
Listen Line-by-Line
Narrator: Tom, Sarah and Fred reach the shore of the island. They are exhausted and hungry. They look around and see nothing but trees and rocks. Tom: Well, this is better than nothing. Sarah: Barely. How are we going to survive here? Fred: We have to find food, water and shelter. Tom: Okay, let's split up and search the island. Maybe we'll find something useful. Sarah: Be careful. We don't know what's out there. Fred: Don't worry. We'll be back soon.

Scene 2: The island
Narrator: Tom, Sarah and Fred reach the shore of the island. They are exhausted and hungry. They look around and see nothing but trees and rocks.
Tom: Well, this is better than nothing.
Sarah: Barely. How are we going to survive here?
Fred: We have to find food, water and shelter.
Tom: Okay, let's split up and search the island. Maybe we'll find something useful.
Sarah: Be careful. We don't know what's out there.
Fred: Don't worry. We'll be back soon.

Scene 2

Scene 3: The discovery

Narrator: The group gathers back at the shore after splitting up to look for things to help them survive on the island.

  • Tom: Hey guys! I found water!
  • Sarah: And I found food!
  • Fred: And I found a cave that we can use for shelter!
  • Tom: Great! Let's share what we have and rest for a while.
  • Fred: Oh, I also found this in the cave, but I’m not sure what it is?
  • Sarah:(gasping) Is that a radio transmitter?
  • Tom: Yes! We can call for help!
Listen Line-by-Line
Narrator: The group gathers back at the shore after splitting up to look for things to help them survive on the island. Tom: Hey guys! I found water! Sarah: And I found food! Fred: And I found a cave that we can use for shelter! Tom: Great! Let's share what we have and rest for a while. Fred: Oh, I also found this in the cave, but I’m not sure what it is? Sarah:(gasping) Is that a radio transmitter? Tom: Yes! We can call for help!

Scene 3: The discovery

Narrator: The group gathers back at the shore after splitting up to look for things to help them survive on the island.
Tom: Hey guys! I found water!
Sarah: And I found food!
Fred: And I found a cave that we can use for shelter!
Tom: Great! Let's share what we have and rest for a while.
Fred: Oh, I also found this in the cave, but I’m not sure what it is?
Sarah:(gasping) Is that a radio transmitter?
Tom: Yes! We can call for help!

Scene 3

Scene 4: The rescue

Narrator: Tom, Sarah and Fred turn on the radio transmitter and hear a voice.

  • Voice: (crackling) This is Coast Guard Station 17. Do you read me? Over.
  • Tom: (shouting) Yes! We're survivors of Flight 247. We're on an island. Please help us! Over.
  • Voice: (crackling) We've been looking for you. We can track your signal. We're sending a helicopter. Hang in there. Over.
  • Tom: (shouting) Thank you so much. You're our heroes. Over.

Narrator: Tom, Sarah, and Fred hug and cry. They see a helicopter coming. They wave and smile. They are rescued.

Listen Line-by-Line
Narrator: Tom, Sarah and Fred turn on the radio transmitter and hear a voice. Voice: (crackling) This is Coast Guard Station 17. Do you read me? Over. Tom: (shouting) Yes! We're survivors of Flight 247. We're on an island. Please help us! Over. Voice: (crackling) We've been looking for you. We can track your signal. We're sending a helicopter. Hang in there. Over. Tom: (shouting) Thank you so much. You're our heroes. Over. Narrator: Tom, Sarah, and Fred hug and cry. They see a helicopter coming. They wave and smile. They are rescued.

Scene 4: The rescue

Narrator: Tom, Sarah and Fred turn on the radio transmitter and hear a voice.
Voice: (crackling) This is Coast Guard Station 17. Do you read me? Over.
Tom: (shouting) Yes! We're survivors of Flight 247. We're on an island. Please help us! Over.
Voice: (crackling) We've been looking for you. We can track your signal. We're sending a helicopter. Hang in there. Over.
Tom: (shouting) Thank you so much. You're our heroes. Over.
Narrator: Tom, Sarah, and Fred hug and cry. They see a helicopter coming. They wave and smile. They are rescued.

Scene 4


  1. plane crash - an accident in which a plane falls from the sky and hits the ground or water (การตกของเครื่องบิน)
  2. life vest - a piece of clothing that can be filled with air and worn to keep someone from drowning (เสื้อชูชีพ)
  3. sink - to go down below the surface of water (จมน้ำ)
  4. frantically - in a very worried or excited way (อย่างวิตกกังวล)
  5. cough - to force air out of your lungs through your throat with a short, loud sound (ไอ)
  6. wave - to raise your hand and move it from side to side as a way of greeting someone or getting their attention (โบกมือ)
  7. spot - to see or notice someone or something (เห็น สังเกตเห็น)
  8. shore - the land along the edge of a large area of water such as an ocean or lake (ฝั่งทะเล ฝั่งแม่น้ำ)
  9. exhausted - very tired (อ่อนแรง หมดแรง)
  10. barely - only just; almost not (เพียงพอ ไม่มากนัก)
  11. split up - to separate or divide into smaller parts or groups (แยกจากกัน แบ่งปัน)
  12. useful - helpful for doing or achieving something (มีประโยชน์ ใช้ได้ผลดี)
  13. cave - a large hole in the side of a hill, cliff, or mountain, or one that is underground (ถ้ำ)
  14. gasp - to take a quick deep breath with your mouth open because you are surprised, shocked, or in pain. (หายใจลำบาก เหวี่ยงใจ)
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