The Tale of the Red and Black Ants

Once upon a time, in a peaceful forest, there lived two colonies of ants. One colony was made up of red ants, and the other was made up of black ants. The red ants and the black ants lived in harmony.

The Tale of the Red and Black Ants


  • Forest (ป่า)
  • Ant (มด)
  • Colony (รังมด)
  • Harmony (ความสามัคคี)
  • Curious (อยากรู้อยากเห็น)
  • Jar (ขวดโหล)
  • Lid (ฝาขวด)
  • Seal (ปิดผนึก)
  • Confused (สับสน)
  • Surroundings (สิ่งแวดล้อม)
  • Unexpected (ไม่คาดคิด)
  • Vigorously (อย่างแรง)
  • Panic (ตกใจ)
  • Distress (ความทุกข์)
  • Attack (โจมตี)
  • Chaos (ความวุ่นวาย)
  • Wise (ฉลาด)
  • Patience (ความอดทน)
  • Teamwork (การทำงานเป็นทีม)
  • Escape (หนี)
  • United (รวมกัน)
  • Lesson (บทเรียน)
  • Enemy (ศัตรู)
  • Divide (แบ่งแยก)
  • Creature (สัตว์)
  • Happily ever after (มีความสุขตลอดไป)

Once upon a time, in a peaceful forest, there lived two colonies of ants. One colony was made up of red ants, and the other was made up of black ants. The red ants and the black ants lived in harmony, helping each other find food and build their homes. They shared the forest and never fought.

One sunny day, a curious boy named Timmy was exploring the forest. He loved to collect interesting things, and when he saw the ants, he decided to put some red ants and some black ants in a glass jar. He carefully scooped up the ants and placed them inside the jar, sealing it with a lid.

At first, the ants were confused but continued to move around peacefully, just as they did in the forest. The red ants and black ants explored their new surroundings together, wondering how they would get back to their homes.

But then, Timmy did something unexpected. He picked up the jar and started to shake it vigorously. The ants were tossed around and became very scared. They couldn't understand what was happening. In their panic, they began to see each other as the cause of their distress.

The red ants thought the black ants were attacking them, and the black ants thought the red ants were attacking them. They started to fight, biting and struggling against each other. The jar became a scene of chaos and confusion.

Timmy, watching from outside the jar, didn't realize the trouble he had caused. He put the jar down and walked away, leaving the ants to their own devices. Inside the jar, the fighting continued until the ants were too tired to fight anymore.

As they rested, a wise old red ant spoke up, "Why are we fighting? We lived in peace in the forest. Something else must have caused this."

A wise old black ant agreed, "Yes, we were always friends. It must be the shaking that made us scared and confused."

The ants began to understand. They realized that the shaking of the jar was what had caused their fear and anger, not each other. With this new understanding, the red ants and black ants stopped fighting. They started to work together again, figuring out how to escape the jar and return to their forest home.

Through teamwork and patience, the ants eventually managed to push the lid off the jar and climb out. They hurried back to their colonies in the forest, wiser and more united than before.

From that day on, the red ants and black ants shared their story with all the other creatures in the forest, reminding everyone that it is important to stay united and not let outside forces turn friends into enemies.

And so, the red ants and black ants lived happily ever after, always remembering the lesson they had learned: sometimes, the real enemy is not the one beside you, but the unseen force that seeks to divide you.

The End.