Google Docs

These are additional instructions for a classroom demonstration and activity.

Google Docs
Photo by / Unsplash

Creating a Masked Image

Open Google Docs on your computer.
Click on “Insert” from the top menu bar.
Select “Drawing” from the dropdown menu.
Choose “New” and click “Image” to upload the image.
Click on the image you just inserted.
Click on the down arrow next to the “Crop Image” from the top menu bar.
Choose the shape that you would like to use.
Click “Enter” or “Return” on your keyboard to crop the image.
Click on “Text Box” from the top menu bar.
Draw a text box where you want to add your caption.
Type your caption into the text box.
Click outside of the text box to save your caption.
Click "Save and Close" to return to your document.

Creating a Custom Heading Style

Click on “Format” from the top menu bar.
Select “Paragraph styles” from the dropdown menu.
Choose “Heading 1” from the list of styles.
Type your heading text.
Highlight your heading text.
Click on the “Font” dropdown menu from the top menu bar.
Select the font you want to use for your heading.
Click on the “Text size” dropdown menu from the top menu bar.
Select the size you want for your heading text.
From the paragraph styles dropdown menu:
Click on “Update ‘Heading 1’ to match” to save your changes.


Insert and mask a picture of your choice.
Create 3 headings to talk about your picture.
Use the normal style to write 3 sentences under each heading.
Share you document to your teacher's email address.

Insert: to add something into a document Mask: to cover or conceal something Image: a visual representation of something Blank: empty or without content Document: a written or printed record that provides information Drawing: a picture or diagram made with a pencil, pen, or crayon Upload: to transfer data from one computer to another Crop: to cut off the edges of an image to make it fit Caption: a brief description accompanying an illustration Format: the arrangement of data for storage or display Paragraph styles: set formatting options for text in a document Heading: a title or caption of a section of text Font: a set of characters with a specific design and size Text size: the size of the characters in a text Share: to give others access to something Custom: made or done to order; not standard Highlight: to emphasize or make prominent Select: to choose something from a list of options Shape: the external form or appearance of something Arrow: a symbol used to indicate direction