Why do Small Dogs Live Longer?

Why do Small Dogs Live Longer?
Photo by Bruce Warrington / Unsplash

Easy Version

Small dogs live longer than big dogs. This is different from other animals where big animals usually live longer. People have made big dogs bigger by choosing which dogs have babies. This has made big dogs get sick more easily. Big dogs get sick more because their bodies are not ready to be so big. The study says that big dogs get cancer more because their bodies are not ready to fight it.

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Small dogs live longer than big dogs. This is different from other animals where big animals usually live longer. People have made big dogs bigger by choosing which dogs have babies. This has made big dogs get sick more easily. Big dogs get sick more because their bodies are not ready to be so big. The study says that big dogs get cancer more because their bodies are not ready to fight it.
small big different animals usually live longer choosing sick because babies bodies ready cancer fight
Small Dogs

Normal Version

Small dogs live longer than large dogs. This is an exception to the general rule in the animal kingdom where larger species tend to live longer. The reason for this exception is due to human selective breeding practices that have made large dogs more susceptible to serious diseases. Large dogs have not had enough time to develop sufficient defense mechanisms for their size due to the rapid increase in their size through selective breeding. The study suggests that the increase in cancer among large dogs is due to a delay in their natural defenses.
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Small dogs live longer than large dogs. This is an exception to the general rule in the animal kingdom where larger species tend to live longer. The reason for this exception is due to human selective breeding practices that have made large dogs more susceptible to serious diseases. Large dogs have not had enough time to develop sufficient defense mechanisms for their size due to the rapid increase in their size through selective breeding. The study suggests that the increase in cancer among large dogs is due to a delay in their natural defenses.
general rule animal kingdom selective breeding exception susceptible serious diseases sufficient defense mechanisms rapid cancer natural defenses
Small dogs 2

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