Writing Examples by Level

Writing examples for page 147 of Wide Angle 2.

Writing Examples by Level
Photo by Thought Catalog / Unsplash

Task 1: Talk about a neighbor or friend who is very different from you.

Task 1


I have a neighbor. Her name is Anna. Anna is very different from me. She has a big dog. I have a small cat. Anna likes to run every morning. I like to stay at home and read books. Anna likes to eat spicy food. I like sweet food. We are very different, but we are good friends.


I have a friend named Maria. She is very different from me. Maria is very outgoing and loves to meet new people, while I am a bit shy and prefer to spend time with a few close friends. Maria enjoys playing sports, especially basketball, but I like quieter activities like drawing and reading. Despite our differences, we enjoy spending time together and learn a lot from each other.


My neighbor John and I are very different in many ways. John is an early riser who loves to start his day with a jog around the neighborhood, whereas I am more of a night owl who enjoys staying up late and sleeping in. John is a vegetarian and loves cooking healthy meals, while I am a meat-lover who enjoys experimenting with different recipes in the kitchen. Additionally, John is very social and enjoys hosting parties, whereas I prefer quieter gatherings with a few close friends. Despite these differences, we have developed a strong friendship and often share our experiences and perspectives with each other.

Task 2: Write about a family member who has an outgoing personality.

Task 2


My sister, Lucy, is very outgoing. She likes to talk to many people. She has many friends. Lucy always smiles and laughs. She likes to go to parties and have fun. She helps everyone. Lucy is very friendly and kind.


My brother, Tom, has an outgoing personality. He loves meeting new people and making friends. Tom enjoys going to social events and parties. He is always the first to start a conversation and can talk to anyone. Tom is very friendly and makes people feel comfortable. He likes to play sports and join different clubs. Everyone likes Tom because he is cheerful and fun to be around.


My cousin Sarah is known for her outgoing personality. She is always the life of the party and enjoys being around people. Sarah loves to engage in conversations and has a knack for making everyone feel welcome. She is involved in various social activities, such as organizing community events and volunteering at local shelters. Sarah’s enthusiasm and positive energy are contagious, and she can easily brighten up any room she enters. Her ability to connect with others and her genuine interest in people make her a wonderful person to be around.

Task 3: Find a photo of a friend or family member. Describe the person's personality to your partner.

Task 3


This is my friend, Anna. Anna is very happy and kind. She smiles a lot. She likes to help people. Anna is very nice and friendly. She likes to play with her dog and go for walks.


This is my cousin, Peter. Peter is very funny and always makes people laugh. He is very friendly and loves to meet new people. Peter is also very helpful and likes to help others. He enjoys playing sports and being active. Everyone likes Peter because he is so nice and fun to be around.


This is a picture of my best friend, Jessica. Jessica has a very warm and outgoing personality. She is always cheerful and has a positive outlook on life. Jessica loves to socialize and is often the center of attention at gatherings because of her great sense of humor and storytelling skills. She is also very empathetic and always ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. Her friendly and approachable nature makes her very popular among our friends and family.

Summary of Differences

Beginner Level

  • Language Complexity: Very basic and simple sentences.
  • Vocabulary: Limited to common and everyday words.
  • Sentence Structure: Short, simple sentences with basic conjunctions (and, but).
  • Details: Minimal details; focuses on clear, concrete information.
  • Examples:
    • "She likes to help people."
    • "He smiles a lot."

Intermediate Level

  • Language Complexity: Slightly more complex than A1, but still relatively simple.
  • Vocabulary: Includes more descriptive words and some less common vocabulary.
  • Sentence Structure: Simple and compound sentences, using conjunctions like "because" and "when."
  • Details: More detailed descriptions, some explanation of reasons or feelings.
  • Examples:
    • "Peter is very funny and always makes people laugh."
    • "He enjoys playing sports and being active."

Advanced Level

  • Language Complexity: More complex and varied language use.
  • Vocabulary: Wider range of vocabulary, including more specific and varied words.
  • Sentence Structure: Complex sentences with dependent clauses, using conjunctions like "although," "because," and "while."
  • Details: Detailed descriptions and explanations, more depth in expressing thoughts and feelings.
  • Examples:
    • "Jessica has a very warm and outgoing personality."
    • "She is always cheerful and has a positive outlook on life."\

Summary of Differences:

  • Language Complexity: Increases from basic to more complex and varied.
  • Vocabulary: Expands from common words to more specific and descriptive words.
  • Sentence Structure: Evolves from simple sentences to more complex sentences with clauses.
  • Details and Descriptions: Become richer and more detailed, moving from concrete facts to in-depth descriptions and explanations.