English Stories for Thai Speakers (Set 2)

A collection of very short stories for Thai speakers learning English. English/Thai vocabulary lists have been included for convenience.

English Stories for Thai Speakers (Set 2)


  • เน้นคำสำคัญ: ฟังคำศัพท์เฉพาะจากรายการคำศัพท์
  • ฟังซ้ำ: เปิดฟังหลายครั้งเพื่อทำความคุ้นเคยกับเสียงและการออกเสียง
  • จินตนาการถึงเรื่องราว: นึกภาพฉากในใจขณะฟังเพื่อเพิ่มความเข้าใจ


  • อ่านเรื่องล่วงหน้า: อ่านเนื้อเรื่องก่อนเพื่อทำความเข้าใจบริบทและคำศัพท์
  • ฟังอย่างตั้งใจ: ขณะฟัง ให้ติดตามเรื่องที่เขียนเพื่อเชื่อมโยงรูปแบบการพูดและการเขียน
  • สรุปเรื่องราว: หลังจากฟัง ให้สรุปเรื่องราวด้วยคำพูดของคุณเองเพื่อเสริมสร้างความเข้าใจ

The Lost Hat


  • Park (สวนสาธารณะ)
  • Hat (หมวก)
  • Swings (ชิงช้า)
  • Grass (หญ้า)
  • Suddenly (ทันใดนั้น)
  • Looked (มอง)
  • Find (หา)
  • Searched (ค้นหา)
  • Slides (สไลด์)
  • Benches (ม้านั่ง)
  • Dog (สุนัข)
  • Mouth (ปาก)
  • Feet (เท้า)
  • Happy (มีความสุข)
  • Thanked (ขอบคุณ)
  • Laughed (หัวเราะ)
  • Playing (เล่น)
  • Rest (พักผ่อน)
  • Head (หัว)

Tim and Anna went to the park. Tim wore his red hat. They played near the swings and ran on the grass. Suddenly, Tim's hat was gone. He looked around but couldn't see it anywhere.

Anna said, "Let’s find your hat!" They searched near the slides and under the benches. Tim felt sad. Just then, a dog ran by. It had Tim's hat in its mouth!

The dog dropped the hat at Tim's feet. Tim was happy and thanked the dog. Anna laughed. They had fun playing for the rest of the day with the hat back on Tim's head.

The Mystery Box


  • Box (กล่อง)
  • Attic (ห้องใต้หลังคา)
  • Dusty (มีฝุ่น)
  • Inside (ข้างใน)
  • Map (แผนที่)
  • Photos (ภาพถ่าย)
  • Key (กุญแจ)
  • Sister (น้องสาว)
  • Excited (ตื่นเต้น)
  • Adventure (การผจญภัย)
  • Backyard (สวนหลังบ้าน)
  • Hidden (ซ่อน)
  • Door (ประตู)
  • Bushes (พุ่มไม้)
  • Toys (ของเล่น)
  • Treasures (สมบัติ)
  • Exploring (สำรวจ)
  • Amazing (น่าทึ่ง)
Mystery box

Sam found a box in the attic. It was old and dusty. He wondered what was inside. Carefully, he opened it. Inside, he found a map, some old photos, and a strange key.

Sam showed the items to his sister, Lily. She was excited. "Let's follow the map!" she said. They took the map and started their adventure. The map led them to the backyard, where they found a hidden door behind the bushes.

Using the key, they opened the door. Inside, they discovered a room filled with toys and treasures. They couldn't believe their eyes. Sam and Lily spent the rest of the day exploring their amazing find.

The Great Kite Adventure


  • Kite (ว่าว)
  • Windy (ลมแรง)
  • Day (วัน)
  • Field (สนาม)
  • House (บ้าน)
  • Sky (ท้องฟ้า)
  • String (เชือก)
  • Soared (บินสูง)
  • Suddenly (ทันใดนั้น)
  • Stronger (แข็งแรงกว่า)
  • Higher (สูงกว่า)
  • Tree (ต้นไม้)
  • Worried (กังวล)
  • Pull (ดึง)
  • Budge (ขยับ)
  • Firefighter (นักดับเพลิง)
  • Ladder (บันได)
  • Happy (มีความสุข)
  • Thanked (ขอบคุณ)
  • Enjoy (สนุก)
Kite adventure

Ben and Mia loved flying kites. One windy day, they decided to fly their biggest kite. They went to the open field near their house. The sky was clear and blue.

Ben held the kite, and Mia ran with the string. The kite soared high into the sky. Suddenly, the wind grew stronger. The kite flew higher and higher until it got stuck in a tall tree. Ben and Mia were worried.

They tried to pull the kite down, but it wouldn't budge. Just then, a friendly firefighter passed by. He used his tall ladder to help them get the kite down. Ben and Mia were very happy. They thanked the firefighter and continued to enjoy their kite flying.

The Robot Helper


  • Build (สร้าง)
  • Robot (หุ่นยนต์)
  • Tools (เครื่องมือ)
  • Parts (ส่วนประกอบ)
  • Garage (โรงรถ)
  • Ready (พร้อม)
  • Clean (ทำความสะอาด)
  • Toys (ของเล่น)
  • Water (รดน้ำ)
  • Plants (พืช)
  • Friends (เพื่อน)
  • Played (เล่น)
  • Adventures (การผจญภัย)
  • Backyard (สวนหลังบ้าน)
  • Bake (อบ)
  • Cake (เค้ก)
  • Instructions (คำแนะนำ)
  • Delicious (อร่อย)
  • Proud (ภูมิใจ)
  • Creation (สิ่งที่สร้างขึ้น)

Jack loved to build things. One day, he decided to build a robot. He gathered all his tools and parts in the garage. After many hours, his robot was ready. Jack named it Robo.

Robo could do many things. It could clean, pick up toys, and even water the plants. Jack and Robo became best friends. They played together and went on adventures in the backyard.

One day, Jack's mom asked Robo to help bake a cake. Robo followed the instructions and soon a delicious cake was ready. Everyone enjoyed the cake, and Jack was proud of his creation. Robo was the best helper ever!

The Missing Cat


  • Cat (แมว)
  • Missing (หายไป)
  • Morning (เช้า)
  • House (บ้าน)
  • Worried (กังวล)
  • Neighbors (เพื่อนบ้าน)
  • Picture (รูปภาพ)
  • Search (ค้นหา)
  • Gardens (สวน)
  • Garages (โรงรถ)
  • Cars (รถยนต์)
  • Familiar (คุ้นเคย)
  • Meow (เสียงแมวร้อง)
  • Tree (ต้นไม้)
  • Kind (ใจดี)
  • Ladder (บันได)
  • Hugged (กอด)
  • Happy (มีความสุข)
  • Back (กลับมา)
Missing cat

Lily had a cat named Whiskers. One morning, Whiskers was missing. Lily looked everywhere in the house but couldn’t find him. She felt very worried.

Lily decided to ask her neighbors for help. She knocked on doors and showed everyone a picture of Whiskers. Some neighbors joined her search. They looked in gardens, garages, and under cars.

Just when Lily started to lose hope, she heard a familiar meow. Whiskers was stuck in a tree! A kind neighbor used a ladder to get Whiskers down. Lily hugged Whiskers tightly. She was so happy to have him back.

The Chocolate Surprise


  • Chocolate (ช็อกโกแลต)
  • Golden (สีทอง)
  • Ticket (ตั๋ว)
  • Factory (โรงงาน)
  • Thrilled (ตื่นเต้น)
  • Tour (ทัวร์)
  • Made (ทำ)
  • Machines (เครื่องจักร)
  • Mixed (ผสม)
  • Molded (ขึ้นรูป)
  • Shapes (รูปร่าง)
  • Smelled (กลิ่น)
  • Sweet (หวาน)
  • Delicious (อร่อย)
  • Taste (ชิม)
  • Freshly (สดใหม่)
  • Owner (เจ้าของ)
  • Gift (ของขวัญ)
  • Family (ครอบครัว)
  • Friends (เพื่อน)
  • Smile (ยิ้ม)
  • Best (ดีที่สุด)
Chocolate surprise

Ella loved chocolate more than anything. One day, she found a golden ticket in her chocolate bar. The ticket said she had won a tour of a chocolate factory. Ella was thrilled!

At the factory, Ella saw how chocolate was made. She watched as machines mixed and molded the chocolate into different shapes. The factory smelled sweet and delicious. Ella even got to taste some of the freshly made chocolate.

At the end of the tour, the factory owner gave Ella a big box of chocolates as a gift. She couldn't wait to share it with her family and friends. Ella went home with a smile, knowing she had the best day ever.

English Stories for Thai Speakers (A1)
A growing collection of very short stories with English/Thai vocabulary lists and audio.