Bella Bakes
A short passage to practice the B sound.
A short passage to practice the B sound.
Fill-in the blanks with the words from the word bank and then listen to check your answers.
Listen0:00/47.5681× Tommy and his loyal *dog*, Max, set sail on a small boat one sunny *morning*. They loved adventures, and this voyage was special. As they explored a hidden *cove*, Max barked excitedly. Digging where Max pointed, Tommy uncovered a *chest* filled with shiny *coins*! With their
A listening activity about describing people.
Two listening exercises based on a short video about Baby Groot.
A short story for shadowing practice.
A short story for shadowing practice.
Read with Language Reactor Please read and listen to these conversations to practice for your listening exam. Weather M6 Practice Weather0:00/27.8641× Anna: Hi, Tom! How's it going today? Tom: Hi, Anna! I'm good, thanks. How about you? Anna: I'm good too.
English 1
A collection of very short stories for Thai speakers learning English. English/Thai vocabulary lists have been included for convenience.
English 1
A growing collection of very short stories with English/Thai vocabulary lists and audio.
English 1
A collection of AI generated stories for beginners studying Thai.
(Graded-Reader German) This is a simplified version of the classic novel written by Johanna Spyri. It is the story of Heidi, a young girl sent to live with her grandfather in the mountains.
English 1
Verständlicher Input ist ein Konzept im Sprachenlernen, das von dem Linguisten Stephen Krashen entwickelt wurde.
This site has a nice collection of fables that you can read in both English and Thai. There is not audio, but you can use Microsoft Edge or Language Reactor, to listen and read. Listening to a story after you've read it can help train your ears and
English 1
The lost ticket0:00/103.2121× Read with Language Reactor Es war ein sonniger Morgen. Max und seine Mutter waren am Bahnhof. Sie wollten den Zug nach Berlin nehmen, um Max' Großeltern zu besuchen. Max war sehr aufgeregt. „Mama, ich kann es kaum erwarten, Oma und Opa zu sehen!
English 1
"Have" and "has" are used to show possession or to indicate something that is present. They are also used as auxiliary verbs in perfect tenses. Usage: * "Have" is used with I, you, we, and they. * "Has" is used with he, she, and